"Roman Catholic bishops are launching a massive e-mail campaign opposing the sweeping health care reform plan being proposed by President Obama and Democrats in Congress, because they say it will allow federal funds to pay for abortions.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Pro-Life Activities Secretariat is encouraging all archdioceses and parishes in the U.S. to send a pre-written e-mail that urges House members to oppose any rule that will not allow debate on an amendment that would prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used for abortions, and to send another e-mail to senators to support the amendment."
Fox News
Friday, October 30, 2009
If only the Catholic members of Congress would practice their faith this bill would go down in flames. Fat chance of that happening.
You decide. Michael Buble and Sharon Jones or Brook Benton and Dinah Washington. You can never,ever go wrong with Dinah but the new version is mighty fine. I just might have to buy my first Buble CD.
Since I haven't posted a copy of this list in awhile here it is. These are all of the Mo. politicians that have pledged to support Missouri Sovereignty by upholding the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
MO Sovereignty Project
Dempsey, Tom - 23rd, 573-751-1141, 9/17/09
Lembke, Jim - 1st, 573-751-2315, 9/9/09
Purgason, Chuck, 33rd, 573-751-1882, 10/29/09
Rupp, Scott - 2nd, 573-751-1282, 9/9/09
State Senate Candidates
Jackson, Jack - 26th, 9/1/09
Nieves, Brian - 26th, 573-751-0549, 9/12/09
State Representatives
Bivins, Walter - 97th, 573-751-9766, 9/18/09
Brown, Danny - 149th, 573-751-5713, 9/16/09
Burlison, Eric - 136th, 573-751-0136, 9/16/09
Cox, Stanley - 118th, 573-751-9774, 9/16/09
Davis, Cynthia - 19th, 573-751-9768, 9/17/09
Emery, Ed - 126th, 573-751-2165, 9/16/09
Funderburk, Doug - 12th, 573-751-2176, 9/16/09
Gatschenberger, Chuck - 13th, 573-751-3572, 9/16/09
Guest, Jim - 5th, 573-751-0246, 09/30/09
Jones, Tim - 89th,573-751-0562, 9/16/09
Leara, Mike - 95th, 573-751-2150, 9/16/09
McNary, Cole - 86th, 573-751-4183, 9/16/09
Nieves, Brian - 98th, 573-751-0549, 9/12/09
Schaaf, Rob - 28th, 573-751-2183, 9/20/09
Schlottach, Charlie - 111th, 573-751-6668, 9/16/09
Zerr, Anne - 18th, 573-751-3717, 9/16/09
State Representative Candidates
Brown, Christopher - 97th, 9/22/09
Conway, Kathie - 14th, 10/50/09
Curtman, Paul - 105th, 9/16/09
Evans, David - 19th, 9/16/09
Fuhr, Gary - 97th, 9/15/09
Little, Gerald - 97th, 10/17/09
Morris, Jonathan - 123rd, 9/17/09
Rieder, John - 92nd, 10/28/09
Main, Nita - Prcnct. Cmte., Flat Crk A, Stone Cnty, 9/28/09
U.S. Congress - Senate
Purgason, Chuck, 573-751-1882, 10/29/09 (Candidate)
U.S. Congress - House
Pledging Campaign Begins Nov. 1
MO Sovereignty Project
"Sure, the economy's standing up on its own legs again, but for how long once the government stimulus starts to fade?" said Chris Rupkey, an economist with Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in New York. "That's the million dollar question for the nation's unemployed -- all 15.1 million of them sitting idle, through no fault of their own."
What gives Rupkey and some other economists pause is that a large portion of the jump in consumption can be traced back to the government's "cash for clunkers" program that provided incentives to buy new cars.
Excluding motor vehicles, third-quarter GDP advanced at a more modest 1.9 percent pace. To be sure, that was a vast improvement, following four consecutive quarters of declining GDP, but it was dangerously close to stalling.
The turnaround in residential investment, which added to GDP for the first time since 2005, was also a bright spot, although it remains to be seen how much of that improvement was linked to government efforts to prop up the housing market."
When even a dumb carpenter can figure this out, just who do they think they're fooling?

Business Insider
Business Insider
CHART OF THE DAY: Cash-For-Clunkers MASSIVELY Distorted GDP
Vincent Fernando
Oct. 29, 2009, 2:13 PM
"If anyone mentions the just-released 3.5% U.S. third quarter GDP growth, just throw this chart in their face. Cash for Clunkers clearly distorted the U.S. economic figures in an unsustainable fashion.
According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), motor vehicle output spiked a seasonally-adjusted 157.6% quarter on quarter. This is completely unprecedented. Vehicle output is clearly going off a cliff next quarter. The question will be how low can the blue line below go.
Next quarter, we won't just be returning to business as usual for auto output. Don't forget that Cash for Clunkers pulled future auto demand, ie. some of Q4 demand, into Q3. Thus Q4 is likely to be very weak since many people who planned to buy a car in Q4 probably took advantage of Clunkers and bought in Q3.
To put this into GDP terms, according to the BEA the spike you see below added 1.66% to the U.S. GDP growth figure reported. Thus without it, GDP growth would have been only 1.89% (3.5% - 1.66%) in Q3.
Now imagine if next quarter the blue line below goes down into negative territory as it did just two quarters ago. Next quarter, not only are we unlikely to get Q3's boost, but motor vehicle output data could subtract from GDP as well. So watch out for the cliff..."

Business Insider
Business Insider
Yes! But will anyone, particularly from the Republican Party, challenge this? It would be nice if a Democrat or two would jump in, too. Wrong is wrong regardless of affiliation.
For all that voted for Obama in hopes of fundamental change, this is where we are heading. To a European Socialist Orwellian nightmare.
If you have something to say you better get it off your chest now, while you still can.
If you have something to say you better get it off your chest now, while you still can.
"Mrs Pauline Howe, a committed Christian, who complained to the Norwich City Council that a homosexual event had been allowed to go ahead in the city centre, was equated by Channel 4 News with murderers who killed Ian Baynham, a homosexual man, in September 2009.
Channel 4 News reported yesterday:
‘According to police figures, Liverpool is among several large cities, which has seen a rise of ‘hate crimes’. Reports ranging from the homophobic murder of 62-year-old Ian Baynham in Trafalgar Square in September to elderly women complaining about gay marches through towns. Figures are rising.
Mrs Howe wrote her letter to the council blaming homosexuals for ‘their perverted sexual practice’ and sexually transmitting diseases as well as the ‘downfall of every Empire’. She added:
‘It is shameful that this small, but vociferous lobby should be allowed such a display unwarranted by the minimal number of homosexuals.’
Two officers later turned up at the frightened grandmother’s home and informed her that she may have committed a crime. After lecturing her about the choice of words, they told her that she will not be prosecuted."
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I suppose this is yet another sign of a recovering economy. The scary thing is that this number doesn't include the houses that have not been foreclosed on yet, the ones that people have not made payments on in a year. The houses the banks haven't taken action on because it would adversely affect their balance sheets.
Lies piled on top of lies. That is all we see from the government, the Fed and the bankers.
Lies piled on top of lies. That is all we see from the government, the Fed and the bankers.
"About 18.8 million homes stood empty in the U.S. during the third quarter as banks seized properties from delinquent borrowers and new home sales fell in September.
The number of vacant properties, including foreclosures, residences for sale and vacation homes, rose from 18.4 million a year earlier and 18.7 million in the second quarter, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a report today. The record high was in the first quarter, when 18.95 million homes were vacant. The homeownership rate, meaning households that own their own residence, stood at 67.6 percent."
"A juvenile is under arrest for possession of a loaded firearm at Riverview Gardens High School. A tip was called in by an adult to the principal at Riverview Gardens High School in Bellfontaine Neighbors around 7:30 a.m. Thursday. At that point, authorities put students in their classrooms, held them their and began a search of the building. They went through lockers and bookbags. Around 10:30 a.m. they located the weapon in a student's bookbag. He was removed from the high school after his parents were called."
KTVI Fox 2
Fortunately, an adult called in a tip that a kid was armed at school. Fortunately, the police were able to control the situation and eventually find the weapon.
But, what if?
What if the adult hadn't called in? Obviously, the kid with the gun made it into the school building.
What if the kid had intended to act immediately and began firing upon entering the school?
What if there was more than one kid, like Columbine?
What if this had deteriorated into a shooting/hostage/suicide situation?
What if all this had happened and the police were still five minutes away? How many could be killed and injured in five minutes?
Would more laws have stopped any of this from happening? No. The laws that we have were disregarded by the criminal. What a surprise.
If my kids attended this school I would have a really big what if to ask. What if the teachers are armed and trained to defend from this sort of threat? Would this not be the most effective way to at the very least contain the situation until the police get there? Why can't this be done? Who stands in the way?
We know that the nanny state and all its laws can do nothing to protect our kids or us in the case of a violent attack. As a matter of fact, it is under no legal obligation to do so. Understand? The police or not required by law to do one damned thing to protect you.
It's up to the citizens to protect themselves. It's time we give very serious consideration to what we really need to do to protect our families. We must demand that teachers, the people that we leave or children with the better part of the day, have the capability to defend them.
500,000 people a week are claiming first time unemployment. This number has been consistent month after month. Some people are buying cars and houses, but only because the government is draining away what little wealth we have left to give it to the banks through subsidies to purchasers. The real unemployment rate is now close to 20%. 70% of our GDP is based on consumer spending. With the exception of those that are being paid by the taxpayer to purchase cars or houses no one is buying anything that is not absolutely essential. There is no REAL GROWTH; only growth that has been manipulated by a massive redistribution of wealth.
How can these bastards, these low life snake oil salesmen, these politicians and financial services pimps look at themselves in the mirror? They are purposefully misleading the American public in the hope that we will willingly turn over to them the little that we have left, including our freedoms. Then the bankers can pay themselves obscene bonuses and the politicians can pass giant pork laden, Constitution crushing, power grabbing legislation against the will of the majority of the American people.
They are placing the shackles on our wrists as they pat us on the head and tell us to be good little boys and girls; everything will be alright.
How can these bastards, these low life snake oil salesmen, these politicians and financial services pimps look at themselves in the mirror? They are purposefully misleading the American public in the hope that we will willingly turn over to them the little that we have left, including our freedoms. Then the bankers can pay themselves obscene bonuses and the politicians can pass giant pork laden, Constitution crushing, power grabbing legislation against the will of the majority of the American people.
They are placing the shackles on our wrists as they pat us on the head and tell us to be good little boys and girls; everything will be alright.
"The U.S. economy grew in the third quarter for the first time in a year, beating market expectations, as consumer spending and new home-building rebounded, signaling the end of the worst recession in 70 years.
The Commerce Department, in its first estimate of third-quarter gross domestic product on Thursday, said the economy grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate, the fastest pace since the third quarter of 2007, after contracting 0.7 percent in the April-June period.
The growth pace in GDP, which measures total goods and services output within U.S. borders, was above market expectations for a 3.3 percent rate. The economy last grew in the second quarter of 2008.
"Better than expected GDP is confirming that the Great Recession has ended," said Kevin Flanagan, fixed-income strategist for Global Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley in Purchase, New York."
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I guess maybe it's just me but when I listen to the Progressive leaders in our government sing the praises of Planned Parenthood while expressing their concern for the plight of the poor black Americans I just have to wonder; how do they sleep at night? Not only have they made sure that slavery is perpetuated through the welfare system but they have funded the organization that was founded by a eugenicist (Margaret Sanger) with the avowed purpose of ridding the world of the supposedly lower races! The two stories below cannot leave any doubt that Sanger's mission is alive and well and that our government, and by extension all American citizens, black and white, have paid for the final solution to the "black problem". Why do we continue to bury our heads in the sand as this evil burns all around us?
By the way, where are the Rev.'s Sharpton and Jackson? Why do they waste their time complaining about Limbaugh buying a football team when their people are being systemically murdered? Right out in plain sight, with the full support of their friends in government. Is their personal wealth and power so important to them that they will sanction anything to retain it?
By the way, where are the Rev.'s Sharpton and Jackson? Why do they waste their time complaining about Limbaugh buying a football team when their people are being systemically murdered? Right out in plain sight, with the full support of their friends in government. Is their personal wealth and power so important to them that they will sanction anything to retain it?
"With more than 79% of clinics in minority neighborhoods, and more than 1400 black abortions daily, these programs are doing precisely what our actor asked them to do. Planned Parenthood is (intentionally or not) exterminating the black community."
The Advocate
"Abortion kills more black Americans than the seven leading causes of death combined, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2005, the latest year for which the abortion numbers are available."
It amazes me that the guys that do this research find this so surprising. I guess, much like the weatherman telling us it's sunny when the rain is coming down, they haven't opened their windows to look outside. Everyone I talk to, across the economic spectrum, is cutting back because they believe we are going to see things get a lot worse. Few have a bright outlook.
I bet I could have saved someone a whole bunch of money if they had just asked me about this.
I bet I could have saved someone a whole bunch of money if they had just asked me about this.
"Consumers' confidence about the U.S. economy fell unexpectedly in October as job prospects remained bleak, a private research group said Tuesday, fueling speculation that an already gloomy holiday shopping forecast could worsen.
The Consumer Confidence Index, released by The Conference Board, sank unexpectedly to 47.7 in October -- its second-lowest reading since May.
Forecasters predicted a higher reading of 53.1."
I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised that as a new Catholic convert Gingrich has decided to back his party and not the Catholic Church and God. Does he even care that abortion is a mortal sin or does party power trump all?
"In March 2008, Scozzafava, who has served on the board of Planned Parenthood, received the Margaret Sanger Award from Family Planning Advocates of New York State. In her acceptance speech, she voiced support for abortion on demand.
"The only way we ever cure those things of the human condition is by listening to people. And each person is an individual with his or her own rights. And when you look at it that way, a lot of issues become very simple -- issues that are seemingly complex become simple."
Scozzafava has received $1,000 from the Planned Parenthood PAC and $2,500 from the New York Choice PAC. She has also been given donations by several labor unions, including the National Education Association's political action committee, which doled out $5,000 for her campaign."
One News Now
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
For 2000 years we were expected to worship in Latin, a language which only a small percentage of Catholics spoke fluently. Now, here in America we are being told that a little 10th grade English may be too difficult to understand. Maybe Mass could be offered in pictures so that no one is left out.
Lowering the bar will not raise the understanding. Priests may have to be required to explain all of the really, really big words to all of us uneducated twits in the pews. That is, if we're smart enough to find the church.
Lowering the bar will not raise the understanding. Priests may have to be required to explain all of the really, really big words to all of us uneducated twits in the pews. That is, if we're smart enough to find the church.
"Bishop Donald W. Trautman of Erie, Pa., former chairman of the U.S. bishops' liturgy committee, sharply criticized what he called the "slavishly literal" translation into English of the new Roman Missal from the original Latin.
He said the "sacred language" used by translators "tends to be elitist and remote from everyday speech and frequently not understandable" and could lead to a "pastoral disaster."
"The vast majority of God's people in the assembly are not familiar with words of the new missal like 'ineffable,' 'consubstantial,' 'incarnate,' 'inviolate,' 'oblation,' 'ignominy,' 'precursor,' 'suffused' and 'unvanquished.' The vocabulary is not readily understandable by the average Catholic," Bishop Trautman said."
The Boston Pilot
So playing around in the sandbox with the lefties at "So We Might See" has gotten the USCCB covered up in the dirt that George Soros throws around. When will the American Bishops learn that no good can come from associating with the Progressives. They seem to be anxious to gain the approval of people that in the end will look to destroy them and the Church. They can't have this both ways. Scandal causes disbelief. Their playing around in politics will eventually cause the loss of faith of many of their flock. People will see that the truth is not being represented, only the secular goals of those seeking power and approval.
And what price will be demanded for the worlds power and approval? Why, only their souls.
American Spectator
And what price will be demanded for the worlds power and approval? Why, only their souls.
"Are we verging on the scandalous?
The American Spectator has learned that Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput has specifically denied that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops agreed to an attack on talk radio and Fox News personalities. Contrary to an FCC filing and media package released by the interfaith group So We Might See, a "Media Justice" project run by the United Church of Christ and funded in part by left-wing billionaire George Soros. The USCCB Communications office also says specifically to a complaining Catholic "that, although USCCB is one of the groups constituting So We Might See, USCCB did not join the petition of which you complain."
To another angry Catholic the USCCB said: "Please note also that, although USCCB is one of the groups constituting So We Might See, USCCB did not join the petition of which you complain..."
"...In fact, what the USCCB had agreed to, says Archbishop Chaput, was specifically outlined in a letter to the Federal Communications Commission on July 29, 2009, in reference to a "Petition for Inquiry into Hate Speech in Media." The letter, obtained by the Spectator and written at the request of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, cited no one in talk radio or on Fox News, nor did it mention either talk radio or Fox News in general. Nor did it ever say the USCCB was signing on to the So We Might See Petition, the impression that was given by the e-mail from the United Church of Christ to its own members. Instead, the USCCB said it supported "a broad public forum in which to raise and debate (hate speech and other issues) in a respectful manner."
So We Might See, it was revealed in this space last week, was launched with a $40,000grant from the Media Democracy Fund, which in turn receives funding from the Open Society Institute, an organization associated with left-wing billionaire George Soros. The group's remaining funds have been supplied by the liberal Ford Foundation and the Otto Haas Trust. According to the Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media, the UCC's Reverend Guess is listed as the sole "key personnel" involved with the group, although the website for So We Might See lists two others, including longtime media activist Cheryl Leanza. Leanza is listed by the UCC as working with Guest in the UCC Office of Communications..."
"...Archbishop Chaput's response came in answer to a query by a member of his diocese. In responding the Archbishop indicated that he had checked directly "with the right person at the USCCB."
Sending along a copy of the July letter to the FCC, the Archbishop said that "in light of the letter" the Bishops felt their position was "misrepresented" by So We Might See. The USCCB is listed by So We Might See as a participant in the group along with Guess's own United Church of Christ, the Islamic Society of North America, United Methodist Communications, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) along with "several other faith groups."
The Archbishop also made plain that he regarded an FCC "notice of inquiry" as "a low-level hearing only; it cannot result in any rules change." He also said that that the Catholic Conference of Bishops had "informed the sponsors of this effort that (1) there are serious constitutional concerns raised by any interference with free speech; (2) it's not at all clear that the FCC has jurisdiction or can actually do anything about the problem; and (3) 'hate speech' is an ambiguous concept with some troubling implications for religious believers and their right to hold and preach doctrines that some might find offensive."
In the latter category, the letter from the USCCB to the FCC asks:
* "For example, would Roman Catholic teachings on marriage or homosexuality be deemed hate speech by some gay rights advocates?"
* When does speech criticizing, or even demonizing an identified group of people become an incitement to violence, and what is the FCC's role regarding incitement?"
The Archbishop concludes his covering e-mail by saying: "In other words, USCCB 'support' for this effort is narrowly limited..."
American Spectator
There are so many things wrong here I hardly know where to begin. Is this the best use of Congress's time? Our country is collapsing, we are at war and the barbarians are at the gate. Another shining example of our tax dollars at work.
I'm going to give this woman the benefit of the doubt; she's from the South and has an accent. This doesn't excuse the inability to speak clearly and coherently! I'm around people all the time with accents, including my neighbor that came here from Germany. They can all be easily understood and can articulate their point.
If this women graduated from the University of Florida they need to immediately rescind her diploma.
And I haven't even mentioned the clothes!
(H/T Sharp Elbows)
I'm going to give this woman the benefit of the doubt; she's from the South and has an accent. This doesn't excuse the inability to speak clearly and coherently! I'm around people all the time with accents, including my neighbor that came here from Germany. They can all be easily understood and can articulate their point.
If this women graduated from the University of Florida they need to immediately rescind her diploma.
And I haven't even mentioned the clothes!
(H/T Sharp Elbows)
Every once in awhile real American outrage over the current state of the world leaks onto the TV. Imus seems to be doing his best to turn the conversation away. I saw this the other day when I was getting ready to go to work. I left the house cheering. GO BO!!!
Here comes another "too big to fail" to soak up more of our money.
Why are they "too big to fail" you might ask? Because the guys that lent them money are "too big to fail".
Are you starting to see a pattern, yet?
"Capmark Financial Group Inc., the lender owned by companies including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and KKR & Co., filed for bankruptcy protection after posting a second-quarter loss of about $1.6 billion.
The company listed consolidated debt of $21 billion and consolidated assets of $20.1 billion as of June 30, according to Chapter 11 documents filed yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Forty-three affiliates also sought protection."
Why are they "too big to fail" you might ask? Because the guys that lent them money are "too big to fail".
"Capmark and its units owe $7.1 billion to the 30 largest creditors without collateral backing their claims, according to court documents.
The three biggest are Citibank NA, as administrative agent under the $5.5 billion credit agreement, with a claim of $4.6 billion; Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas, as trustee for the 5.875 percent senior notes and the floating senior notes due 2010, with claims of $1.2 billion and $637.5 million, respectively; and Wilmington Trust FSB, as successor trustee for the 6.3 percent senior notes due 2017, with a claim of $500 million, according to court papers."
Are you starting to see a pattern, yet?
Death of 'Soul of Capitalism': Bogle, Faber, Moore
20 reasons America has lost its soul and collapse is inevitable
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
"ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- Jack Bogle published "The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism" four years ago. The battle's over. The sequel should be titled: "Capitalism Died a Lost Soul." Worse, we've lost "America's Soul." And, worldwide, the consequences will be catastrophic.
That's why a man like Hong Kong contrarian economist Marc Faber warns in his Doom, Boom & Gloom Report: "The future will be a total disaster, with a collapse of our capitalistic system as we know it today."
No, not just another meltdown, another bear-market recession like the one recently triggered by Wall Street's too-greedy-to-fail banks. Faber is warning that the entire system of capitalism will collapse. Get it? The engine driving the great "American Economic Empire" for 233 years will collapse, a total disaster, a destiny we created."
Market Watch
It's good to see someone address the real underlying cause for the collapse of everything we know; a disconnect from morality and the rules of conduct it demands.
When I listen to economists and pundits go on and on about the free market and its ability to always bring the cream to the top I shake my head in wonder. As they extol the philosophy of Ayn Rand and her Libertarian views that the market should be free of all outside control I wonder if they have taken time to think this faulty logic through?
As they make the argument that absolute freedom of action in the markets will most efficiently allow the winds of freedom to blow across the land, I have to ask myself one simple question; why is it wrong to kill another person?
It seems that if I apply the logic of the markets as put forward by the acolytes of free market thinking then I should be able to eliminate any obstacle to my own success. If my competitor objects to something that I want to do that would increase my wealth, why not just kill him? After all, I have the gun and it would be more efficient if I didn't have to contend with this hindrance. In a market devoid of all constraint this may be the best method.
Of course, this unrestrained market wouldn't really be free, would it? Instead of competing on a level field of play, my gun and my willingness to use will distort every decision my competitor makes. It will force him to focus on self preservation and growth will become secondary.
Morality and ethics are vital to the free market. Regulation is necessary to make sure that they are followed. In a perfect world, these norms of behavior would be followed by all parties concerned. Of course, this world is not perfect, thus it is the job of the government to enforce these regulations; but only after self regulation has proven ineffective.
The problem as we have it now is that the Federal Government has taken over the functions of regulation that should be left at the state level or even at the local level. Professional groups could self police a whole bunch of this stuff.
Because this regulation has been centered in Washington it has become possible for the largest banks and corporations to, for all intents and purposes, take over the regulating bodies by taking control of the government. This has become brutally apparent as the "too big to fails" suck more and more of our wealth into their pockets with the willing cooperation of our politicians. These "too big to fails" have got their hands on the gun and they are pointing it right at us.
As the article above makes perfectly clear, we're screwed, glued and tattooed. There is very little left that can be done to avert the coming collapse. We have worshipped the god of freedom while neglecting the God that gave it to us. I would say that our time is short. We just need to figure out how long it will take this cabal of robber barons to suck every last bit of wealth out of the system. The collapse will be scheduled for the following day.
Perhaps, when we have lost everything and we aren't worrying about protecting ourselves from those with the gun, we will understand freedom as it was truly meant to be.
"People will need to turn vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming."
The Times
Sorry, I had to put down my hamburger and wipe the grease from my fingers before I could type this. What a load of crap! Since there is no real evidence that we are having any effect on the climate I think that I'll just go ahead and continue my carnivorous ways. Why do all of these guilt ridden do gooders want to get into my life?
Bye now. There's a deer out in my front yard. I need to grab my .30-.30. Boy, I hope he didn't hear that sudden release of greenhouse gas as I got up off the chair!
Monday, October 26, 2009
"US construction and mining equipment maker Caterpillar has taken steps to cut around 20,000 jobs, amid falling sales and profits.
It said 5,000 jobs will be reduced in the first quarter, while around 15,000 jobs have already been eliminated.
It employs 112,000 people worldwide, including 10,000 people in the UK.
The majority of the job cuts will be in support and management, but the company is also implementing a shortened working weeks and factory shutdowns."
Our government is always touting the latest and greatest surge in the housing market as proof the economy is turning around. The only thing these numbers have proven is that if you give people money to buy houses, they'll buy houses. Of course, they will be buying houses that are already built and have been on the market so long that the prices have dropped to bargain basement levels. The bankers (of course) made money and the builders at least were able to move some inventory, most likely at a loss.
The real truth is in the story above. Caterpillar can't move its equipment because the REAL economy has ground to a halt. If construction was really starting to move away from deaths door, builders would be buying equipment. They aren't. And they don't intend to anytime in the remotely distant future.
I just wish that we could trust anything the government tells us. It wears on me trying to figure out the truth every time I hear a public official open his mouth. Or even worse, publish numbers and charts.
"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will announce this afternoon that he plans to push ahead with a public option vote – most likely one that includes an opt-out provision for states – even though he's currently short several votes for passage, according to people close to the situation."
This is sweet. I guess that if Missouri decides to opt out of the government insurance plan then I get to keep the tax money that I would have otherwise sent to D.C. to cover the cost of the insurance. That way, I can use it to buy private insurance. I'll be able to do this. Right? So I don't have to pay twice. Right? I'm sure the government wouldn't screw me. Right???
In an important article for the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord describes the effort of "So We Might See" -- "a national inter-faith coalition for media justice," according to its Web site -- to force a Federal Communications Commission investigation of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.
The organization's petition to FCC chairman Julius Genachowski and the assistant secretary for communications and information, Larry E. Strickling, specifically accuses Limbaugh of causing the June 2006 beating of two Mexican men by four teenagers in Rocky Point, New York. "This incident occurred after radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh called Mexican immigrants, regardless of legal status, 'a renegade, potential crime element that is unwilling to work.'"
So We Might See regards Limbaugh's words as an example of "hate speech" that led to violence. But Limbaugh is not the only talk radio host considered dangerous. In his article, Lord notes that Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and Lou Dobbs are also singled out in an e-mail from So We Might See staffer Rev. Ben Guess, a United Church of Christ minister.
Inside Catholic
These church leaders better think long and hard about the path they are choosing. This is considered hate speech in some places:
24 Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves:
25 for that they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.
28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, unmerciful:
32 who, knowing the ordinance of God, that they that practise such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also consent with them that practise them.
What if some deranged individual hears this passage at church and goes out and kills someone. Should the Pastor that preached the sermon be held accountable? Maybe we can just stop reading the parts of the Bible that don't agree with whatever the political fashion of the day dictates. I'm sure that's what Jesus would have done.
It looks as though our churches are going to go all out in their flagrant denial of the truth in chasing after the approval of man.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I've been convinced for a long time that there would be some sort of "emergency" that would be used to justify vast and sweeping changes in our ability to exercise our rights. Is this the excuse? Or is it just one more thing in a long line of slow and inexorable degradation of our rights and the destruction of the American experiment. The biggest news is always announced on Friday night, under the cover of darkness and with genuine hope that the media is too drunk to notice.
To read the complete text of the Senate report cited in the article above go here: Fame
This from the Oct 23 Center For Disease Control Report:
American Daughter also reports on a secret closed door meeting that took place on March 13, 2008:
The info on this meeting comes from The Daily Paul.
I don't know what is happening even though I have my suspicions. I think that at this point it should be obvious to even the biggest doubter out there that we are being jerked around for reasons that can't be good. Nothing make sense any more. If you follow the news closely it is becoming harder to find anything that has even a remote connection to the truth. It is blatantly obvious that the media has been bought and paid for, that it has become a propaganda cheerleader for not only the current administration but something much larger. Our schools indoctrinate our children and the force of law has been turned against parents. The financial system and its leaders don't even try to hide their corruption while holding their hands out for more of our money, knowing that their cronies in the government will do as they're told. The Executive branch decides which laws it will enforce and which it won't, regardless of the Constitutions clear mandate that all laws are determined by the Legislative branch. Czars are appointed with no oversight and they create rules and regulations that carry the force of law with no input either from the Congress or the people. The President has become the Emperor and the Congress has become his court: preening sycophants seeking personal gain and to hell with the Constitution and the Oath they swore to uphold it.
There has to be a reason for this, something hidden in the shadows, just out of sight.
Let's take a quick journey down a dark and lonely road. Why would the President want to put an Emergency Powers act in place? Could this be preemptive? Is it possible that he is aware of something coming our way, perhaps an attack of some sort in the near future? It would sure be convenient to already have the power to institute martial law and seize control of damned near everything else already in place and ready to go, wouldn't it? There are many urgent warnings coming from the world of the prophetic at this time; many which would dovetail nicely with this declaration.
I offer the above for your discernment. Like I said, it can be a dark and lonely road, one which can easily get you labeled a nut case. However, these warnings exist and have been seemingly accurate as of late. In many ways, they help to make sense of the current state of affairs. They can show a reason for the unreasonableness of the times.
That's enough for a Sunday morning. I'm going to the one place where the truth can still be found. At least I have been blessed with a priest that has held "...fast the traditions, even as I delivered them to you. (1 Corinthians 11:2)
Enjoy your day off. Hang out with your family and ponder the future and how you have prepared. Say a prayer for wisdom and understanding. Ask Gods help in the coming months. Things are starting to accelerate.
Seizing Power on the Weekend
By Nancy Matthis | Sunday, October 25th, 2009 at 5:08 am
"Late Friday, Barack Obama declared the H1N1 virus to be a national emergency. He announced the measure on Saturday. The declaration gives him the following authority:
93d Congress
SENATE Report No. 93-549
1st Session
These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal Constitutional processes.
Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens….
Whenever the government wants to do something that is likely to be alarming or unpopular, it is done late on Friday night, so that the normal news cycles can be avoided. The fact that Obama did this late on a Friday night and did not announce it until the following day, a Saturday, should be sufficient warning to every American that this administration is up to no good."
American Daughter
To read the complete text of the Senate report cited in the article above go here: Fame
"President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus.
"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement.
"Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."
This from the Oct 23 Center For Disease Control Report:
"We are not seeing any greater severity of this particular virus than we did in the spring.
It’s comparable generally to that of seasonal flu
Not seeing significant increases in resistance — remains overwhelmingly susceptible to Tamiflu
Not seeing big changes in the genetic nature of the virus that would make it less susceptible to vaccine."
Citizens Against Pro Obama Media Bias
American Daughter also reports on a secret closed door meeting that took place on March 13, 2008:
"...the U.S. House of Representatives held a secret closed door meeting, with attendees sworn to secrecy. Ostensibly to work out Electronic Surveillance of Terror Suspects, the meeting actually dealt with the possibility of civil war in the United States. Here are the details which were leaked and widely published, not in the mainstream media, but in the Blogospehre:
1.The imminent collapse of the U.S. Economy to occur sometime in late 2008
2.The imminent collapse of the U.S. Government finances sometime in mid 2009
3.The possibility of Civil War inside the United States as a result of the collapse
4.The advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. Citizens” likely to move against the government
5.The detention of those rounded up at The REX 84 Camps constructed throughout the United States
6.The possibility of public retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses
7.The location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during massive civil unrest
8.The necessary and unavoidable merger of The U.S. with Canada and Mexico establishing The North American Union
9.The issuance of a new currency called the AMERO for all three nations as an economic solution.
There is little indication that Barack Obama wants to continue the Bush-initiated pursuit of the North American Union. However, it is abundantly clear that he wants to abolish personal freedoms and private enterprise to institute socialism, with a focus on an eventual global world government.
This declaration may be the trigger. And, suspiciously, it is not made in response to any actual data."
The info on this meeting comes from The Daily Paul.
I don't know what is happening even though I have my suspicions. I think that at this point it should be obvious to even the biggest doubter out there that we are being jerked around for reasons that can't be good. Nothing make sense any more. If you follow the news closely it is becoming harder to find anything that has even a remote connection to the truth. It is blatantly obvious that the media has been bought and paid for, that it has become a propaganda cheerleader for not only the current administration but something much larger. Our schools indoctrinate our children and the force of law has been turned against parents. The financial system and its leaders don't even try to hide their corruption while holding their hands out for more of our money, knowing that their cronies in the government will do as they're told. The Executive branch decides which laws it will enforce and which it won't, regardless of the Constitutions clear mandate that all laws are determined by the Legislative branch. Czars are appointed with no oversight and they create rules and regulations that carry the force of law with no input either from the Congress or the people. The President has become the Emperor and the Congress has become his court: preening sycophants seeking personal gain and to hell with the Constitution and the Oath they swore to uphold it.
There has to be a reason for this, something hidden in the shadows, just out of sight.
Let's take a quick journey down a dark and lonely road. Why would the President want to put an Emergency Powers act in place? Could this be preemptive? Is it possible that he is aware of something coming our way, perhaps an attack of some sort in the near future? It would sure be convenient to already have the power to institute martial law and seize control of damned near everything else already in place and ready to go, wouldn't it? There are many urgent warnings coming from the world of the prophetic at this time; many which would dovetail nicely with this declaration.
I offer the above for your discernment. Like I said, it can be a dark and lonely road, one which can easily get you labeled a nut case. However, these warnings exist and have been seemingly accurate as of late. In many ways, they help to make sense of the current state of affairs. They can show a reason for the unreasonableness of the times.
That's enough for a Sunday morning. I'm going to the one place where the truth can still be found. At least I have been blessed with a priest that has held "...fast the traditions, even as I delivered them to you. (1 Corinthians 11:2)
Enjoy your day off. Hang out with your family and ponder the future and how you have prepared. Say a prayer for wisdom and understanding. Ask Gods help in the coming months. Things are starting to accelerate.
Friday, October 23, 2009
What is the chance that the Congress will elevate this to the level of Constitutional importance that it deserves? All Presidents in recent memory have used these "czars" to circumvent Congressional oversight, thus robbing the people of a clear understanding of just who is setting policy. And there in lies the problem. These are not just advisers. They are actively setting policy and creating and enforcing regulations, exercising authority that should only be exercised by the Legislative branch, with absolutely no checks upon them. This IS a Constitutional crisis.
"The White House is not going to allow the president’s newly created “czars” to testify before Congress.
White House Counsel Greg Craig has indicated that he will refuse to allow any of the 18 new “czar” positions created by President Obama to testify before Congress, according to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), the ranking Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
Collins revealed during a committee hearing Thursday that she had spoken with Craig, who had earlier sent a letter on behalf of the president, and that Craig told her persoanlly that Congress would not get a chance to ask fundamental questions of the czars about their roles and responsibilities."
So when the whole health care system doesn't collapse under the weight of the flu epidemic how will the government justify trying to force people to get injections?
"New York public health workers will no longer be required to be vaccinated against both the seasonal and H1N1 flu virus, state officials announced Thursday, prompted by a vaccine shortage.
A statement from Gov. David Paterson announced the policy change on behalf of State Health Commissioner Richard F. Daines.
Daines had originally said that public health workers must be vaccinated for the seasonal flu and the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, by November 30 or risk discipline.
The Public Employees Federation, New York's second-largest state employees union, sued over the requirement and was awaiting a state Supreme Court hearing scheduled for October 30.
The vaccine shortage has defused the conflict."
The question is: can enough Republicans, the conservative pro-life party, be found to join the Democrats in pushing this through? We'll see.
"Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told CNSNews.com yesterday that he has organized a group of “about 40 likeminded Democrats” who will vote to kill the health-care bill if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) does not allow a floor vote on his amendment to prohibit federal funds from going to insurance plans that cover abortion.
Under Stupak’s plan, the approximately 40 Democrats in his camp would join with all House Republicans in voting to defeat the special House “rule” that would set the terms for debating and amending the health-care bill on the House floor when it is brought up for a final vote. If a majority of the House does not first vote to approve this rule, the health-care bill itself cannot be brought to the floor.
“We will try to—we, there’s about 40 likeminded Democrats like myself—we’ll try to take down the rule,” Stupak told CNSNews.com. “If all 40 of us vote in a bloc against the rule—because we think the Republicans will join us—we can defeat the rule. The magic number is 218. If we can have 218 votes against the rule, we win.”
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It is almost as though the Founding Fathers were able to look into a crystal ball. The one thing that we know for sure is that lawmakers, from both parties, never let the original intent of the Constitution stand in the way of their never ending lust for power.
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America."
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,
and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,
they may take the care of religion into their own hands;
they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish
and pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,
establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;
they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;
in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation
down to the most minute object of police,
would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power
of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,
it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature
of the limited Government established by the people of America."
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”"
CNS News
"According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs. To see how stimulus has failed your state, see the table below."
Ways and Means
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This is a link to an overview of the proposed Copenhagen Treaty. I haven't read the whole thing but a quick overview is enough to realize that signing on to this will put us under the heavy hand of world government control. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!
This is a link to an overview of the proposed Copenhagen Treaty. I haven't read the whole thing but a quick overview is enough to realize that signing on to this will put us under the heavy hand of world government control. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
A few weeks ago I posted an article explaining my belief that the military will, at some point, realize that they are going to have to act upon the oath they took and stand with us against our government. I am convinced that this is where we are heading. I believe that most military and law enforcement personnel take their oath seriously and will defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Oath Keepers is the beginning of this process.
Oath Keepers
Oath Keepers
We are all focused on health control and cap and trade. While we claw and fight to end these evils, we aren't seeing what the other hand is doing. If what is said in this video is true then nothing else really matters, does it? The system is being overwhelmed to such an extent that we can't get ahead of it. Sooner or later, just by the sheer number of things we have to be aware of, we'll miss the one thing that changes everything, it will be signed into law and we won't be able to go back. It will be an absolute miracle and an undeniable sign from God Himself if this country survives.
Chain The Beast
Chain The Beast
Friday, October 16, 2009
As we look into the future, our Constitution will become meaningless. All of our rights will become secondary to the common good as defined by the so called intelligentsia, the self anointed leaders of the world. We will sacrifice freedom in the name of security. Our fear of discomfort will overwhelm our desire for autonomy and liberty.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin
"A global body with legal powers may be needed over time to enforce the world's new financial rules, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) said on Wednesday.
The FSA's newly appointed and first director of international affairs, Verena Ross, said the Financial Stability Board (FSB) was key to ensuring all gaps in regulation between securities, insurance and banking sectors were plugged.
Formerly known as the Financial Stability Forum, the FSB was expanded in April to include central bankers and finance ministry and regulatory officials from all Group of 20 (G20) countries."
War is not necessarily immoral. I don't know whether we should be involved in the current war and don't intend to debate it here. The thing that is immoral is sending American troops to fight and die without a clear objective and complete support. For all on the left that castigated the Bush administration for its involvement in the Middle East, you need to look closely at what your guys are doing. This is a travesty.
"Senators diverted $2.6 billion in funds in a defense spending bill to pet projects largely at the expense of accounts that pay for fuel, ammunition and training for U.S. troops, including those fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to an analysis.
Among the 778 such projects, known as earmarks, packed into the bill: $25 million for a new World War II museum at the University of New Orleans and $20 million to launch an educational institute named after the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat."
Washington Times
If anyone ever tries to tell me that the government is not intrusive, I always tell them to go flush their toilet. Twice. Because the government mandated, low flow toilets don't work. We can't even use the bathroom without Big Brother sitting next to us.
And now they're coming for our televisions!!
And now they're coming for our televisions!!
"The influential lobby group Consumer Electronics Assn. is fighting what appears to be a losing battle to dissuade California regulators from passing the nation's first ban on energy-hungry big-screen televisions."
LA Times
Our friend, the Conservative Girl, has noted another instance of the "leaders" of the Catholic Church, my church, working against all that is right and holy. This has become a recurring theme, a non stop litany of abuses that are causing scandal and confusion among Catholics across the world.
The Church has split. It may not be official but it is a reality that must be faced. If you read many of the statements issued by the USCCB and compare them to the Catechism you will find that the American Bishops have begun teaching things that are diametrically opposed to Scripture, Tradition and all that has been held true for 2000 years.
Their views on "social justice" come immediately to mind. Lately they have said that we have a right to work, turning the whole notion of responsibility on its head. The Bible clearly states in 2 Thessalonians 3:10: For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
Paragraph 2427 of the Catechism states: Human work proceeds directly from persons created in the image of God and called to prolong the work of creation by subduing the earth, both with and for one another. Hence work is a duty: "If any one will not work, let him not eat."
Yet, in "The Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching" the USCCB state: If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers, owners, and others must be respected—the right to productive work..."
If, contrary to Church teaching, we now have a "right" to work someone must have a responsibility to supply a job for us. That's the logical extension of the Bishops teaching. I guess that this would be the government. All very Communist and in line with the thinking of the current administration, wouldn't you say?
Pope Paul IV wrote that "The smoke of Satan has entered the Church". My priest, Father Mark, says that this is direct reference to the influence of Masonic teachings entering through all levels of the Church because so many of the members of the hierarchy are involved in Freemasonry, the enemy of the Church and the Truth. I believe that he is right about this.
Catholics, and all Christians, need to know and understand the Truth. We are facing an incredibly effective propaganda machine, designed and run by Satan himself. "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24.
Sorry to get all Bibley on you but Conservative Girl touched a nerve with her article. I believe what we are seeing is the by product of a great war that is going on in the spiritual realm. It is becoming more and more intense with every passing moment and we are deeply involved. This war is about us. Our eternal salvation and future rests on the outcome.
The Church has split. It may not be official but it is a reality that must be faced. If you read many of the statements issued by the USCCB and compare them to the Catechism you will find that the American Bishops have begun teaching things that are diametrically opposed to Scripture, Tradition and all that has been held true for 2000 years.
Their views on "social justice" come immediately to mind. Lately they have said that we have a right to work, turning the whole notion of responsibility on its head. The Bible clearly states in 2 Thessalonians 3:10: For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
Paragraph 2427 of the Catechism states: Human work proceeds directly from persons created in the image of God and called to prolong the work of creation by subduing the earth, both with and for one another. Hence work is a duty: "If any one will not work, let him not eat."
Yet, in "The Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching" the USCCB state: If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers, owners, and others must be respected—the right to productive work..."
If, contrary to Church teaching, we now have a "right" to work someone must have a responsibility to supply a job for us. That's the logical extension of the Bishops teaching. I guess that this would be the government. All very Communist and in line with the thinking of the current administration, wouldn't you say?
Pope Paul IV wrote that "The smoke of Satan has entered the Church". My priest, Father Mark, says that this is direct reference to the influence of Masonic teachings entering through all levels of the Church because so many of the members of the hierarchy are involved in Freemasonry, the enemy of the Church and the Truth. I believe that he is right about this.
Catholics, and all Christians, need to know and understand the Truth. We are facing an incredibly effective propaganda machine, designed and run by Satan himself. "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24.
Sorry to get all Bibley on you but Conservative Girl touched a nerve with her article. I believe what we are seeing is the by product of a great war that is going on in the spiritual realm. It is becoming more and more intense with every passing moment and we are deeply involved. This war is about us. Our eternal salvation and future rests on the outcome.
"Notre Dame University, one of the nation's top catholic universities, gave money from the students activities fund to pay for five students' trip to the gay rights march on Washington, DC over the weekend. The money from this fund comes from the school itself as well as from money raised from the Alumni Association.
Alumni of the school are non to pleased to find this is how thier money is being spent. Many people in the association are still upset at the University's decision to have President Obama as the speaker at the graduation ceremony.
The catholic church has the strictest policies when it comes to homosexuality. This has only increased since Pope Benedict has taken over from Pope John Paul. The pope has made it very clear that you are persona non gratis to serve as a priest if you have any homosexual feelings or approve of the "lifestyle".
The controversy has just added to the bad press that the University has received since the graduation. The alumni association has been trying to get an explanation from the school, but has yet to recieve a satisfactory answer. Apparently the funds are made available to students as long as one faculty member approves the trip.
The university needs to decide if it is a catholic university or not. If the university wants to be more open to social issues such as gay rights and abortion than that is it's choice. But it cannot continue to call itself a catholic university while it is supporting things that the church has very clear guidelines against.
The catholics that are part of the alumni association needs to ask themselves is giving money to the school that is clearly turning it's back on it's roots is a worthwhile use of thier money."
Just a Conservative Girl
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The market's up, unemployment is up, the cost of fuel is up, gold is up, foreclosures are up. Unfortunately, this all means that the real world economy is down. The economy that you and I live in is caught in a downward spiral being fed by insane governmental policies which seem to be purposefully designed to cause a collapse. There is no other logical explanation for what is going on. We are caught in a trap of our own making and our political leaders seem to be intent on partying like it's the boomiest of boom times.
We must make fundamental changes to the way we live and the expectations we have. We can no longer live beyond our means. We have to make serious sacrifices to insure the future. Maybe not for our children (we'll never get this fixed that quickly) but hopefully for future generations. We must endure significant privation for the sake of others. We made this mess and we will have to fix it.
Just try to think of the things that we are going to have to deal with as penance and offer your suffering up for the good of others. Salvation comes through suffering. Get ready to pick up your cross.
(H/T Ones Observations)
We must make fundamental changes to the way we live and the expectations we have. We can no longer live beyond our means. We have to make serious sacrifices to insure the future. Maybe not for our children (we'll never get this fixed that quickly) but hopefully for future generations. We must endure significant privation for the sake of others. We made this mess and we will have to fix it.
Just try to think of the things that we are going to have to deal with as penance and offer your suffering up for the good of others. Salvation comes through suffering. Get ready to pick up your cross.
(H/T Ones Observations)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Where is the tipping point. If oil prices continue to rise our economy will shut down. I have been forced to continue to lower prices to the consumer because of lack of demand and competition from laid off workers. I'm a carpentry contractor. I cannot afford additional cost without being able to pass them on. If the cost of fuel goes up there will be less demand for my services because people will have less money. There will be more competition because more will be laid off and will start to work on the side. If I lower my prices further it will cost me more to do the job than I make. I'm already working at cost.
My business is no different than most others, just a whole bunch smaller. The problems that I face are being faced by all companies to some extent. So, what is the tipping point? What price at the pump will drive the final nail in the coffin of our dying economy?
My business is no different than most others, just a whole bunch smaller. The problems that I face are being faced by all companies to some extent. So, what is the tipping point? What price at the pump will drive the final nail in the coffin of our dying economy?
"Oil prices neared new highs for the year Tuesday as the dollar slipped against other major currencies, demonstrating how much the weakened U.S. currency can affect consumers globally.
The U.S. dollar index, where the U.S. currency is measured against other major currencies, hit a 14-month low Tuesday. Because crude is bought and sold in dollars, it essentially becomes cheaper for international investors who have flooded into energy markets despite a big surplus of oil.
Energy experts expect the government will report Wednesday that crude supplies are still growing, but that does not appear to be a deterrent for many investors because the dollar is so weak."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
So the world isn't running out of fuel. I suspect that this is the case, even allowing for the normal overstatement of facts when it comes to energy issues. However, there seems to be all kinds of people that don't want us to have energy. Power mad politicians and environmentalists, commodities traders and Goldman Sachs. All seem to profit in some way from the perceived lack of energy. If we don't have the political will to exploit the known reserves but instead insist on wasting our time playing around with wind and solar, who cares how much oil and gas there is? Not getting it is the same as not having it. A contrived shortage is still a shortage with all of the same effects.
Many groups are bent on the destruction of the western world. Can we get them before they get us?
Many groups are bent on the destruction of the western world. Can we get them before they get us?
"America is not going to bleed its wealth importing fuel. Russia's grip on Europe's gas will weaken. Improvident Britain may avoid paralysing blackouts by mid-decade after all.
The World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires last week was one of those events that shatter assumptions. Advances in technology for extracting gas from shale and methane beds have quickened dramatically, altering the global balance of energy faster than almost anybody expected.
"There has been a revolution in the gas fields of North America. Reserve estimates are rising sharply as technology unlocks unconventional resources," he said."
It looks like the world is in the process of quickly moving away from the dollar as the world reserve currency. So what will the Fed do? They can raise interest rates to attract investors. This will quickly show just how solid the so called "recovery" is as the market collapses and home sales just stop happening. Or, they can print money faster, devaluing the debt along with the dollar. This will lead to hyper inflation.
Either way, it sucks to be us.
Either way, it sucks to be us.
"Ben Bernanke's dollar crisis went into a wider mode yesterday as the greenback was shockingly upstaged by the euro and yen, both of which can lay claim to the world title as the currency favored by central banks as their reserve currency.
Over the last three months, banks put 63 percent of their new cash into euros and yen -- not the greenbacks -- a nearly complete reversal of the dollar's onetime dominance for reserves, according to Barclays Capital. The dollar's share of new cash in the central banks was down to 37 percent -- compared with two-thirds a decade ago.
Currently, dollars account for about 62 percent of the currency reserve at central banks -- the lowest on record, said the International Monetary Fund."
New York Post
Have you bought your tent yet? Seriously, have you considered that this can happen to nearly anyone? How will you survive? What are your plans? Thinking about the unthinkable doesn't cost anything and may save your life. At the very least it can begin to mentally condition you for the hardships that are ahead.
The Coming Depression
The Coming Depression
Monday, October 12, 2009
I got to admit, I'm as paranoid and distrustful of the government as can be. That being said, I have a hard time getting all worked up about the video below. We are at war after all. Reminding people that they need to be alert and observant is not necessarily a bad thing. There are a whole bunch of people on the net spinning in indignation about this video and the supposed Big Brother aspects of it. I say get over it. we do have to watch for terrorist activities and the fact is that a lot of things that terrorists do to prepare for an attack tend to be the same things law abiding citizens do. It is all in the context.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Since the selection of the President was made twelve days into his presidency I don't see how any of his "recent efforts" could have had anything to do with it. The world, by any objective standards, has become a far more dangerous place since the election of our President.
Is it possible that this selection was made with the belief that Obama would be able to push his progressive agenda through? Were the leaders of the world hoping to honor him for completing Americas descent into socialism? Was this award meant to be the icing on the cake, a worldwide celebration of the destruction, once and for all of America and its dream?
No one could have foreseen the rise of public anger in America. No one except Americans. We are not standing idly by while our birthright and that of our children is sacrificed on the altar of progressive ideals. I hate to break it to you up there in Norway and over at the U.N. but we will not go silently into the night. We refuse to be good world citizens and just except whatever role our masters decide we should take. Because, you know what? In America no man is our master. We may forget this every once in a while but it doesn't take much to jar our memory. We are a country of individuals that have agreed to work as one for the sake of the common good. The power in the country rests in the common man, not in some King, government or corporation.
We've gotten lazy over the last few decades, started to believe that there would always be something there to bail us out. Some started to think that their happiness was dependent on the government or their employer. That's over and we are starting to realize that our happiness comes from God and each other. Everything else is secondary and replaceable. We are starting to remember that we are responsible for our well being and that government and the large corporations will do everything in their power to enslave and use us for their own ends.
We are Americans and by God, we will fight. We will fight our own government, foreign governments and the large money interests. We may end up living in tents and relearning all of the old ways to survive but we will be free.
I'll choose uncomfortable freedom over comfortable slavery any day of the week. Most Americans feel the same way. So this is just a friendly warning. You may be able to buy or beat the American government because it is corrupt and no longer serves the people. That doesn't matter to us. We created the government and we can walk away from it. In the end, all you'll have is an empty shell as a prize. The American people will still be here, on the land, standing shoulder to shoulder with our faith, our Constitution and our guns. We will not go down without a fight. You may have beaten the American government in war but the American people have never been defeated. We won't be this time, either.

Is it possible that this selection was made with the belief that Obama would be able to push his progressive agenda through? Were the leaders of the world hoping to honor him for completing Americas descent into socialism? Was this award meant to be the icing on the cake, a worldwide celebration of the destruction, once and for all of America and its dream?
No one could have foreseen the rise of public anger in America. No one except Americans. We are not standing idly by while our birthright and that of our children is sacrificed on the altar of progressive ideals. I hate to break it to you up there in Norway and over at the U.N. but we will not go silently into the night. We refuse to be good world citizens and just except whatever role our masters decide we should take. Because, you know what? In America no man is our master. We may forget this every once in a while but it doesn't take much to jar our memory. We are a country of individuals that have agreed to work as one for the sake of the common good. The power in the country rests in the common man, not in some King, government or corporation.
We've gotten lazy over the last few decades, started to believe that there would always be something there to bail us out. Some started to think that their happiness was dependent on the government or their employer. That's over and we are starting to realize that our happiness comes from God and each other. Everything else is secondary and replaceable. We are starting to remember that we are responsible for our well being and that government and the large corporations will do everything in their power to enslave and use us for their own ends.
We are Americans and by God, we will fight. We will fight our own government, foreign governments and the large money interests. We may end up living in tents and relearning all of the old ways to survive but we will be free.
I'll choose uncomfortable freedom over comfortable slavery any day of the week. Most Americans feel the same way. So this is just a friendly warning. You may be able to buy or beat the American government because it is corrupt and no longer serves the people. That doesn't matter to us. We created the government and we can walk away from it. In the end, all you'll have is an empty shell as a prize. The American people will still be here, on the land, standing shoulder to shoulder with our faith, our Constitution and our guns. We will not go down without a fight. You may have beaten the American government in war but the American people have never been defeated. We won't be this time, either.
"The Vatican offered its appreciation today for President Barack Obama’s work for peace on the international level, following the announcement that the president the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi told L’Osservatore Romano that President Obama’s reception of the award “is greeted with appreciation by the Vatican” due to his efforts “to promote peace in the international arena, particularly in the recent effort in favor of the nuclear disarmament."
Fr. Lombardi also said that he hopes that the honor “may generate the expected results for the future of humanity."
Catholic News Agency

Friday, October 9, 2009
About this time on Friday night sometime in the ‘70’s I’d be sitting in Greg and Kenny Presutty’s basement, in a smoky haze, passing the bong and sipping on some beer. We’d be listening to music, maybe from an 8 track but most likely on an album. The stereo would be decent, Harman Kardon if I remember right, with every speaker we could cobble together hooked up to it. Genesis, Zeppelin, Skynyrd, The CDB and Bowie were staples. Ten Years After, Nugent, Tull and some Johnny Winter could always set the proper mood.
The walls of the room we used were made out of old sheets and blankets hanging from the floor joists with a bunch of beads serving as a door. All the furniture was second hand, maybe third. Plenty of ashtrays because we all smoked. Posters and black lights were the norm along with lava lamps and bean bag chairs. We had an old rug on the floor and a painting on the wall we did while we were cooked one night with a bunch of day-glow paint we found laying around. It had something to do with the moon and a bunch of cartoon characters. Believe me, there was nothing profound about it.
There was nothing profound about anything to do with the Seventies. The Sixties were all about changing the world, peace, love, understanding and all that other silly crap. The drugs were a means of enlightenment. In the Seventies, we cut out the middle man and went straight for the drugs. We made no excuses, either. We were there for the party!
People would come in and out of the basement all night long. Everybody would bring something to drink or some smoke so the party could just keep going. It was the place where the jocks and the freaks got together and had a good time without the social strictures that were in place at school. There were never any fights or other problems. Every once in awhile it would get too loud, though and someone would call the police. That just kept it interesting. Of course, back then, the cops generally just took all the drugs and booze for themselves and made us all go home. No harm, no foul. I had some friends that were cops back then and they always had the best dope at their parties.
I’ve lost track of most of the people that I knew then. I heard Kenny killed himself and Greg lives somewhere on the East coast. I can’t drink like I used to and I haven’t smoked any dope for years; I’d just end up in the fetal position, so what’s the point? My eyes have gotten so bad that if I was in a room with black lights I’d walk into walls. My stereo has fewer speakers now and the volume never goes any where near LOUD. And just like we were warned, I have no short term memory left.
It was all a lot of fun and listening to the music below brought back memories. The problem is I wasted a whole bunch of valuable time smoking dope and getting drunk. If I had studied I could have done something with my life that would have made some money. Instead, I went into construction because I could make what at the time, with an eighteen year olds keen insight into life, seemed like good money. Enough to keep up with the bar tabs anyway.
I can’t really complain; I’ve got a good family and a nice house. But I’m fifty years old and thinking about how much the arthritis and all of the injuries that I’ve sustained over the years hurt; especially in winter. Today was the first cold, rainy day of the approaching winter and I’m stiff as hell. If I’d applied myself to something beyond wholesale brain cell destruction when I was young maybe I’d be sitting behind a desk, raking in the money and thinking about where I was going to take my winter vacation.
Or maybe not; I’ve had desk jobs and they just don’t agree with me. I might be right where I’m supposed to be. If I had a job making a lot of money I would have probably never rediscovered the faith that I lost at an early age. I would probably think that all I had was of my own doing, forgetting to thank the One that was really responsible. The constant struggles to pay the bills have kept me humble and focused on things outside of myself. The morning stiffness and pain reminds me that I’m still alive and moving and to thank God for that. I really appreciate what I have because I am always on the verge of losing it.
So, thank you Jesus. Thanks for the pain and the struggles. Thanks for the mistakes and for not letting them kill me. Thanks for my family and friends, for the roof over my head and the food in my stomach.
But thanks most of all for your forgiveness. Thank you for the grace you have given us that allows us to even ask you for forgiveness. I’m sorry for all the ways I have offended you and ask that you try and forget them. Because I know I’ve tried your patience more than once.
I don’t really know how I ended up here. Like everything else, I’m sure there was a reason. Enjoy the Friday night music and I’ll see you tomorrow.

The walls of the room we used were made out of old sheets and blankets hanging from the floor joists with a bunch of beads serving as a door. All the furniture was second hand, maybe third. Plenty of ashtrays because we all smoked. Posters and black lights were the norm along with lava lamps and bean bag chairs. We had an old rug on the floor and a painting on the wall we did while we were cooked one night with a bunch of day-glow paint we found laying around. It had something to do with the moon and a bunch of cartoon characters. Believe me, there was nothing profound about it.
There was nothing profound about anything to do with the Seventies. The Sixties were all about changing the world, peace, love, understanding and all that other silly crap. The drugs were a means of enlightenment. In the Seventies, we cut out the middle man and went straight for the drugs. We made no excuses, either. We were there for the party!
People would come in and out of the basement all night long. Everybody would bring something to drink or some smoke so the party could just keep going. It was the place where the jocks and the freaks got together and had a good time without the social strictures that were in place at school. There were never any fights or other problems. Every once in awhile it would get too loud, though and someone would call the police. That just kept it interesting. Of course, back then, the cops generally just took all the drugs and booze for themselves and made us all go home. No harm, no foul. I had some friends that were cops back then and they always had the best dope at their parties.
I’ve lost track of most of the people that I knew then. I heard Kenny killed himself and Greg lives somewhere on the East coast. I can’t drink like I used to and I haven’t smoked any dope for years; I’d just end up in the fetal position, so what’s the point? My eyes have gotten so bad that if I was in a room with black lights I’d walk into walls. My stereo has fewer speakers now and the volume never goes any where near LOUD. And just like we were warned, I have no short term memory left.
It was all a lot of fun and listening to the music below brought back memories. The problem is I wasted a whole bunch of valuable time smoking dope and getting drunk. If I had studied I could have done something with my life that would have made some money. Instead, I went into construction because I could make what at the time, with an eighteen year olds keen insight into life, seemed like good money. Enough to keep up with the bar tabs anyway.
I can’t really complain; I’ve got a good family and a nice house. But I’m fifty years old and thinking about how much the arthritis and all of the injuries that I’ve sustained over the years hurt; especially in winter. Today was the first cold, rainy day of the approaching winter and I’m stiff as hell. If I’d applied myself to something beyond wholesale brain cell destruction when I was young maybe I’d be sitting behind a desk, raking in the money and thinking about where I was going to take my winter vacation.
Or maybe not; I’ve had desk jobs and they just don’t agree with me. I might be right where I’m supposed to be. If I had a job making a lot of money I would have probably never rediscovered the faith that I lost at an early age. I would probably think that all I had was of my own doing, forgetting to thank the One that was really responsible. The constant struggles to pay the bills have kept me humble and focused on things outside of myself. The morning stiffness and pain reminds me that I’m still alive and moving and to thank God for that. I really appreciate what I have because I am always on the verge of losing it.
So, thank you Jesus. Thanks for the pain and the struggles. Thanks for the mistakes and for not letting them kill me. Thanks for my family and friends, for the roof over my head and the food in my stomach.
But thanks most of all for your forgiveness. Thank you for the grace you have given us that allows us to even ask you for forgiveness. I’m sorry for all the ways I have offended you and ask that you try and forget them. Because I know I’ve tried your patience more than once.
I don’t really know how I ended up here. Like everything else, I’m sure there was a reason. Enjoy the Friday night music and I’ll see you tomorrow.

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