Animal Farm posted a rant today about his total disgust with the Senate and Health Control. I couldn't agree with him more.
This got me to thinking about Washington and its ability to control and direct our lives. This isn't what the Framers had in mind.
So, forget Washington. Focus on local politics; dog catchers, school boards, county politics. The progressives have infiltrated these local groups to such an extent that they will be able to control voting at the national level. We need to cut this off at the root.
Insist on the reestablishment of state militia groups under the controlling authority of the governor. This is to keep militia within the bounds established by the Constitution. These militias will be needed to enforce state sovereignty as spelled out in the Constitution. Again, this has to be done at the local level by electing state reps that share the same goal.
If we can control our states we can control our country. The Progressives have focused our attention so thoroughly on national politics that we haven't been paying attention at home. They've done this so that they could flank our defenses; defenses established by the Constitution through the Tenth Amendment.
Communists work this way. They are happy with the small victories knowing that they add up over time. They always make sure to gain control over the institutions that have the most ability to impact public opinion, starting with the schools. They always work from the bottom up. The cancer stays hidden until it can erupt, fully malignant into public view.
Take over your local political committees, regardless of affiliation. People of good will can disagree about details while working towards the common goal of protecting our Constitution and our way of life. This isn't right or left, this is right or wrong.
Learn how the system works so that we can use it to our advantage. Do the same things the commies do and fundamentally change the direction that they have established. We've got to get deadly serious about this because we are running out of time and options. It may be too late already.
If working within the system doesn't get it done the next step will involve guns. We will end up with something similar to the French Revolution; needless bloodletting with a result that will still be terrible. We can't let it get there. We have to save our Constitution and our country.
We have to realize that we are fighting for all the marbles. The winner will take all.
Why I stopped arguing with my Trump-hating relatives
27 minutes ago
I couldn't agree with you more. It's exactly what the doctor ordered. If you can't run for office in the local area, at least go to the local elections. Those are the ones that people forget. Scrutinize the guys and gals, then vote the Commie out.