I believe that it is our job as members of the Church to defend her, from enemies inside and out. I pray that I'm doing the right thing and that I'm not making false accusations that will damage the Church I love. That being said, based on the information as I see it some members of the Church leadership are not preaching the truth of Christ, rather the opinions of Marx.
I feel compelled to defend against this.
Catawissa Gazetteer has written another excellent piece about the current health care debate and the mistaken notion that health care is a human right:
Interestingly and consistently, Archbishop Dolan figures prominently in this debate. Let us recall that he has stated he will NOT bar pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Catholic politicians from receiving Holy Communion. Lest anyone accuse me of slander, please see the following report from Catholic World News Agency:
Archbishop Dolan will not deny Communion to pro-abortion politicians
One wonder if the Archbishop understands the gravity of 1st Corinthians 11:27-32, or Canon Laws 912 through 923 (specifically 915).
That aside, Archbishop Dolan has also stated that "...New Yorkers could get clobbered with even higher taxes if the state continues to default on its school aid promises to Catholic and independent schools."
Thus (as WTEN TV reports it), the Archbishop requires funding authorization from pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Catholic Governor Patterson for State to float the Catholic school system in NYS. Again, lest anyone accuse me of slander, please see the following:
Archbishop: NY'ers face higher taxes if more Catholic schools close
One can easily see why Archbishop Dolan does not want to discipline Governor David Patterson: he is beholden to him for largess from the teat of the public treasury.
Now (as Catawissa has so masterfully explained it) the Archbishop wants to use money from this same public treasury to fund health care for illegal aliens. Once more, lest anyone accuse me of slander, please see the following:
Archbishop Dolan: Abortion funding in health care bill still a ‘grave concern’
So one can see the appropriateness of the title for Catwissa's most recent blog post entry:
This is NOT slander. Rather, what we are doing is what the German people of the Weimar Republic should have done in the first half of the 20th century when Adolf Hitler was vying for ascendancy. But the Germans (after the punishment of WWI) repentend and became good people, being loathe to engage in calumny. After six million murdered Jews and twenty million murdered Ukranians and other Eastern Europeans, one would think we had learned our lesson. But now, because of the moral weakness and hippie theology of some of those who are ordained as Bishops we have more than 50 million murdered babies.
The choice is clear: the apostates and heretics in political office must be publicly ex-communicated for their public defiance of Holy Mother Church, all support for nationalized health care and every other socialist agenda must be withdrawn, and we must return to the true Gospel of repentance and conversion. After all, this is the Lenten Season. We must do those things or suffer the wrath of God Almighty. Indeed, God holds the Shepherds and the Kings more accountable than anyone else, as Ezekiel 34 and Wisdom 6:1-9 so amply demonstrate.
Let us pray for Archbishop Dolan and the remainder of the Bishops in the USCCB. Let us pray for our political leaders, starting with Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and on down. Let us pray that we all repent and convert.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
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