Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Archbishop Dolan is on the healthcare bandwagon along with many of the other Bishops. In his statement below, which of course I heartily disagree with, he states, "...Health care, we insist, has to be truly universal. That means everybody – the baby in the womb, his or her mother, the poor, the immigrant, and our elders until natural death.”

I'm going to make an assumption here based on the many other statements I've read from the USCCB that when he says immigrants he means illegal immigrants. I spent a good bit of time yesterday reading "Pacem in Terris", Pope John XXIII's 1963 encyclical regarding human rights. In it the Pope links rights and obligations. Our right to health care is linked to our right to life as an obligation upon others to, if it is within their power, supply us with life saving medical care. He makes the argument that the government has an obligation to the people to support their basic rights because the people support the government through their taxes (work). Basically, because the government is an extension of us it has the same obligations we do.

I agree with this. We lend the government some of our rights so that it has the authority necessary to govern. Logically then, if rights and obligations are inextricably bound to one another it would follow that our obligations transfer to the government along with our rights.

So then I have to wonder; since illegal aliens cannot, because they are not citizens, lend anything to the government, how is the government obligated to give them anything back? Further, since most illegals work outside the law, avoiding income tax, they are not supporting the government.

"...Since men are social by nature, they must live together and consult each other's interests. That men should recognize and perform their respective rights and duties is imperative to a well ordered society. But the result will be that each individual will make his whole-hearted contribution to the creation of a civic order in which rights and duties are ever more diligently and more effectively observed."
Pacem in Terris

If illegals are not performing their respective duties by avoiding the income tax how can the government (the people) be obligated to pay their health care costs?

Further, this womb to the tomb health care system being supported by the Bishops and our political leaders is not supported by the Church. Society is not obligated to provide this. Just as the government cannot possess rights that the people don't possess it follows that it cannot have obligations beyond those of the citizen.

Is there anyone out there that believes they have the moral obligation to steal the property of someone else to pay for the health care of a third party, for the rest of their natural lives? If there is please write me and explain how theft becomes the moral norm and expectation.

(And I wonder? As the Archbishop states, "“The bishops have been advocating universal health care for nearly a century." Is it any coincidence that, at about the same time as the Bishops started advocating this lie Saul Alinsky and the Progressives were working their way into the Church through the Bishops conference? I'm just asking.)

Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan says the use of federal money for abortion remains a “grave concern.” He has argued that abortion funding is a threat to universal health care because it excludes unborn children from its scope.

Writing in a Monday post at his blog “The Gospel in the Digital Age,” Archbishop Dolan noted the “tough spot” of those who are enthusiastic about universal health care.

“The bishops have been advocating universal health care for nearly a century. So, we sure want to see it work, and appreciate the efforts of the president and both parties in Congress to bring it home.”

“On the other hand, we’re worried. Health care, we insist, has to be truly universal. That means everybody – the baby in the womb, his or her mother, the poor, the immigrant, and our elders until natural death.”
Catholic News Agency

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1 comment:

  1. My comment is here:

    I cannot express in more than four letter words how disgusted and revolted I am by this scandal.
