Thursday, March 18, 2010


"It’s bad enough that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is giving short shrift to American manufacturers and our economy by ordering extravagant new crystal stemware from Sweden to make the crystal cabinets in America’s embassies sparkle impressively, but now we learn that Barack Obama has told the U.S. relief forces in Haiti not to fly the U.S. flag over its own military compounds. He says that it will “send the wrong message.”

Never mind that all the other nations have their flags proudly flying above their military relief installations in Haiti. Even Croatia has its coat of arms flying outside its base. Yet not the U.S. Army. No U.S. flag flies anywhere despite that we are far and away the largest force and have supplied the most relief supplies and money to the earthquake recovery effort."
Canada Free Press

"The many nations helping Haiti recover from the devastating earthquake that struck there have set up their own military compounds and fly their flags at the entrances.

France's tricolor, Britain's Union Jack and even Croatia's coat of arms flap in the breeze.

But the country whose contributions dwarf the rest of the world's — the United States — has no flag at its main installation near the Port-au-Prince airport.

The lack of the Stars and Stripes does not sit well with some veterans and servicemembers who say the U.S. government should be proud to fly the flag in Haiti, given the amount of money and manpower the U.S. is donating to help the country recover from the Jan. 12 quake.

The Obama administration says flying the flag could give Haiti the wrong idea.

"We are not here as an occupation force, but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery," the U.S. government's Haiti Joint Information Center said in response to a query about the flag."
Navy Times

Pardon me for a moment, but I've run out of patience and words. F*** YOU Mr. Obama. F***YOU and your Communist ideas. F*** YOU and your Communist agenda. F*** YOU and all your "New World Order" globalist beliefs. F*** YOU and your complete disrespect for the flag of the country you swore to protect. F*** YOU and your lack of appreciation for the sacrifice of those that died to protect that flag. F*** YOU Mr. Obama. You've done more to destroy the freedom fought for by Americans over the last 230 years than any other man to hold the office of President. Lincoln, Roosevelt (both of them) and Wilson pale in comparison.

Please God, I beg you. End this travesty and give us our country back. We're sorry for the things we've done to offend you and if we can get past this assault on our human rights we'll do our best to serve you. We've held our freedom lightly and now we will reap the results. We'll accept our penance and do our best to live up to the great grace you've given us, which we have tossed away. But please, give us back our freedom!

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  1. Ditto, Tom, and double ditto too!

    As they say on Battlestar Galactica, frack you, President Obama. Frack you and the horse you road in on.

  2. My comment:
