Saturday, January 2, 2010


"International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) recently released its annual performance report for 2008-2009. Despite an economic downturn and a slight decrease in annual income, the abortion industry giant boasts of increased activity across all of its lines of work -- including condom distribution, advocacy and abortion services.

IPPF’s overall income for 2008 was US$119.7 million, down from over $120 million the previous year.

While IPPF's total financial intake dipped, its abortion business boomed. The organization provided almost 428,000 “abortion services” to young people alone, with a staggering 1,134,549 total number of such services – almost double the number from 2007 – across the globe.

Despite an increase in abortion services, IPPF remains unsatisfied with the figure, arguing that "in comparison to other types of services provided by IPPF Member Associations, these figures remain low and indicate that much needs to be done in terms of future investment in this area if IPPF is to meet its objectives of providing women with the choice and right to safe abortion when faced with an unwanted pregnancy."

In the report, IPPF boasts of promoting its abortion agenda among its member associations in traditionally pro-life countries."

Life News

And we wonder why we are being punished. We continue to sacrifice our children just as the pagans of old. Instead of offering up our sufferings and joy to the one, true God, we offer up the lives of our young to the god of convenience. The true God says we will be rewarded, through grace, for the good we do and punished for the bad. The false god says there is no reward or punishment, just selfishness and the worship of the false freedom of living a lie. The worship of self as the prime reason for our existence. We live for our own pleasure, to satisfy our every lust and increase our sense of self worth. We are all gods, worthy of worship and honor. Let nothing stand in our way, especially the fruit of our purest pursuit of the self centered gratification of our most base, animal desires.

We deny the part of the true Gods nature that we posses, the ability to be part of the creation of life. We take this gift from the true God and murder it as a sacramental offering to the god of this earth; and the author of our destruction. We worship at the altar of the father of lies, the author of murder and beg for his blessing. We ask for money and power but never wisdom and understanding, for those are the enemy of the false god, the one that would set on the throne of the Creator.

As we enter this new decade we are going to see signs and wonders, just like those of days long ago. We are entering a dangerous time, one which will require a rebirth in the understanding of our place in the world and our responsibilities. The lies that we have accepted as truth are going to be swept away. The comforts and privileges we have come to expect as little gods will be taken from us. We must learn to accept, with humility and grace, the challenges that are put before us. We must learn that there are consequences to our actions. 15 minutes of fun can create a lifetime of responsibility. We have to accept the responsibility for our actions. We can't just kill it and pretend it didn't happen. We are given crosses to bear, not to bury.

It is only through grace and acceptance that we can survive the coming storm. Spoiled children throw tantrums and destroy when they don't get their way; adults accept and adapt. Our childhood had ended and the time of trial is beginning. Look to the true God and not yourself. Ask for the wisdom and patience you will need. We must all work together, through the grace of God for the coming of the new age.

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  1. This article is horrifying bragadoccia followed by a terrific comment.

    This calls for a dreaded family meeting, not the kind to call out some unadmitted behavior but to instruct why we are to be visited by the justice of a loving Father and how we are to accept the consequences of our collective behavior, beg forgiveness, repent and change.

    This comment gets printed for my file folder and passed on. Thanks for it.

    Blessings to you and yours this New Year.

  2. 'We are given crosses to bear, not to bury'.

    Wow, powerful writing. Amen and thank you. I will focus on this sentence today.
