"No country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or if police can be bought off by drug traffickers," he said.
"No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt. No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery.
"That is not democracy, that is tyranny, even if occasionally you sprinkle an election in there," he said, "and now is the time for that style of governance to end."
President Obama
This description of Ghana sounds remarkably like a description of our own country. The politicians are running our largest companies and financial institutions, and making a little something from them on the side (see Chris Dodd and Countrywide). Who you know and the political donations you make (bribes) can keep your dealership open while your competition is forced to close. The Mexican drug cartels have obviously been paying someone to get access to our market. Oh, and we have an election occasionally between two parties whose candidates are chosen by insiders that control the media to make sure they get elected. I think that the President even mentioned something during his speech about the importance of free trade. How does the man keep a straight face?
16 minutes ago
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