Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fool Me Once...

"Evidently, Benedict feels he can appeal to Obama to reconsider his position on abortion and homosexual marriage.

Most serious pro-life Catholics in America would believe that this is naive — that it is silly to think that Obama will make even a slight change in his position in favor of legalized abortion and embryonic stem cell research.

Nevertheless, it appears that the Pope made the argument to Obama today that all of the president's social policies will ultimately fail and leave no enduring good fruit unless he takes up a position in defense of human dignity — of the dignity of the human person — in all cases, at all times, from the beginning to the end of life.

And, as astonishing as it seems, Obama has apparently agreed to at least study the arguments of the Church on this point.

That is the meaning of the words: "Oh, what we discussed earlier. I'll have some reading to do on the plane."

Of course, we do not know whether Obama actually read the book (Dignitas Personae) while on the plane tonight... "

So, somehow, Obama is going to turn his back on the groups that got him where he is, NARAL, Planned Parenthood and the other pro death activists, have a sudden road to Damascus experience and work vigorously to defend the unborn. Well, I guess stranger things have happened but I'm not going to hold my breath. The Pope cannot be this blind to Obama's past. Obama will do whatever he has to do to hold onto power. His base of support is gradually eroding due to his inept economic policies. The poorly informed moderates that voted for him are having the scales pulled from their eyes. Obama will have to play to the left to retain his base. Becoming more pro-life, at least publically, will not suit his needs.

What game is the Vatican playing? Will it continue to curry favor from the Obama administration? Up to this point the Vatican newspaper has had nothing but good things to say about him and he is treated like a rock star by most of the European members of the curia. The American Bishops are sort of maybe starting to stand up just a little bit but not to much because we wouldn't want to really offend anyone so don't hurt us, please. ARRRGH!!!!

Somebody, somewhere in the Church needs to grow a pair and do it quickly! I understand that the Pope wants to finesse the situation. OK, fine. Have your little diplomatic dance with the Devil. Get it out of your system. Then, man up, tell the rest of the church to do the same ( you are the Pope, remember?) and go to battle against this pernicious evil that permeates our world. IT"S YOUR JOB!!!

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