Thursday, June 17, 2010


The quotes below come from Catholic News Agency:

"Sister Carol Keehan, CEO and President of the Catholic Health Association (CHA) openly acted in favor of President Obama’s health care reform and in opposition to persistent requests from the bishops, said Cardinal Francis George, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), during their spring meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida.

During the bishops' executive session held Tuesday morning to address the fallout of CHA’s support for the health care legislation despite the bishop's opposition, Cardinal George recounted the events that took place prior to President Obama's signing of the health care reform. The prelate then concluded his remarks by criticizing CHA and Sr. Keehan, saying they have created the dangerous precedent of a parallel magisterium to the bishops."

So... what'cha gonna do about it?

"In the events leading up to the final health care vote, the USCCB president presented arguments on how the bishops' conference “remained consistent to the two guiding principles throughout the whole process: number one, everyone should have access to health care; number two, no one should be killed.”

The consistent moral position of the bishops, Cardinal George explained, centered around protecting life, conscience protections and the inclusion of immigrants."

This is a complete misrepresentation of the facts. Everyone had access to health care before the bill was passed so there was no reason to create the law. Yes, the bishops were consistent in their opposition to abortion. The first paragraph states there were two principles that guided the bishops yet the second paragraph introduces a third, immigrants. Now we're getting to the heart of the matter, social justice and the insistence of the bishops that this evil tenet of Marxist belief be brought to bear upon the citizens of the United States. In this, they and Sister Keehan find their common ground.

"...According to the Archbishop of Chicago, when the Stupak Amendment was defeated in the Senate in December 2009, “everything went south.”

That is when “the Catholic Health Association and other so-called Catholic groups provided cover for those on the fence to support Obama and the administration.”

Cardinal George clearly remarked that “Sr. Carol and her colleagues are to blame” for the passage of the health care bill. He continued by revealing that the bishops repeatedly tried to reach out to Sr. Keehan both before and after the vote. “I personally met with her in March to no avail,” the cardinal reported."

Really? It's all Sister Keehan's fault? All the time and money that the USCCB has spent backing the democrats and their health agenda along with the bishops incessant preaching on the wonders of socialism and against the truth taught by the Church had no affect whatsoever?

Who's running for cover now? Are the American bishops sensing that the staff of the Bishop of Rome is about to come down on their heads?

"...In that regard, Cardinal George highlighted that the USCCB and CHA’s positions on Obama’s health care are not just “two equally valid conclusions inspired in the same Catholic teaching,” and reiterated that what the bishops said on May 21 in their statement “Setting the record Straight” is and will remain the official position of the USCCB on the contentious issue.

The document, presented by Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities; Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, New York, Chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice, Peace and Human Development, and Bishop John Wester of Salt Lake City, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Immigration, says: "As Bishops, we disagree that the divergence between the Catholic Conference and Catholic organizations, including the Catholic Health Association, represents merely a difference of analysis or strategy (Catholic Health World, April 15, 2010, “Now That Reform Has Passed”). Rather, for whatever good will was intended, it represented a fundamental disagreement, not just with our staff as some maintain, but with the Bishops themselves.

“As such it has resulted in confusion and a wound to Catholic unity."

If the bishops had held fast to and preached the word of God and the teachings of the Church instead of distorting both to support their Marxist views, Sister Keehan wouldn't have had the power she did. We wouldn't have seen all those Catholics on the fence. The bishops put them up there and handed them over to the Sister Keehan's of the world. This is on the shoulders of the bishops and no one else. This confusion and wound to Catholic unity can be laid right at their feet. All the sniveling blame spreading will come to no avail.

Your days are numbered boys! We're coming for you, following the Pope and cleaning house.

Get behind us, Satan!!

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1 comment:

  1. If Cardinal George were to publicly excommunicate Sister Carol Keehan for her public defiance of Church teaching, then I would think the USCCB repentent. Until then, Ezekiel 34:1-10 applies (straight from the USCCB web site - how ironic!):

    Oh, BTW, the USCCB has announced that "West Coast Catholic-Muslim Dialogue Compares Sacred, Pious Writings" at:

    How can we as Catholics even call Muslim writings "sacred"? This is like calling Baal-zebul worship sacred, and Elijah rebuked King Ahaziah for that in 2nd Kings 1 (again straight from the USCCB wbe site):

    King Ahaziah dieds for his apostasy. Neither our Bishops nor any of us are exempt from the same fate.

    When I think about this, my blood just boils.
    What the heck is it with these darn liberals? Don't they get it? Righteousness and holiness come FIRST. God demands complete and total allegiance. Arrrgggghhhhh!
