Thursday, April 29, 2010


Everyone I know always looks at me like I'm an idiot (I've grown used to it) when I talk about the parallels between today and all that led up to the American Civil War (The War of Northern Aggression, but that's a debate for a different time).

Study history to understand current events. It goes 'round and 'round.

"Never underestimate the impact of supreme court rulings. The plan by a quartet of German professors to freeze the EU bail-out for Greece and block the European Central Bank’s back-door rescue through lax lending has epochal implications.

As I reported in this morning’s story after talking to two of the four, Wilhelm Hankel and Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, the complaint is primed and ready to go to the Verfassungsgericht (constitutional court) in Karlsrühe days after the rescue mechanism is activated.

I have been scratching my head thinking about precedents and suddenly the light bulb went on: the Dred Scott case, the ruling by the US Supreme Court in 1857 that brought the simmering conflict over slavery out into the open. The [decision] forced resolution one way or another."

"Just reported: Greece will not cut public salaries or there wll be civil war.

There's the gauntlet folks. It means that no "assistance" can actually succeed, because it is not possible to get the fiscal situation under control without significant cuts in public spending.

This, incidentally, is the same problem we have in the US, and why attempts to deal with our fiscal situation at both state and federal levels is going to end up in the same place eventually. The majority of our budget is comprised of handouts of one form or another, whether they be Social Security, Medicare, or public-sector salaries.

The "unified opposition" by public-sector employee unions (just look at what Florida teachers ran when their pension handouts and tenure were threatened) says everything you need to know.

Greece has to be cut loose. The best way to do it is for Germany to walk away from the Euro and return to the Mark for its currency, leaving the rest of Europe to twist in the wind.

I see no other solution. Threats of civil war, which are effectively what the public sector unions here in the US have also threatened repeatedly since 2008 (and to which we have responded by refusing to cut their salaries and benefits) mean that we have the irresistible force meeting the immovable object.

All such governments who refuse to take on these bullies and meet that threat with immediate charges of inciting overthrow of the government by force (in the US this charge is known as seditious conspiracy) will fail.

We have refused to make clear that such threats will result in charges of this sort - and so have other nations such as Greece. Yet unless this is made crystal clear and this sort of approach by these unions is put down immediately all nations beset by this sort of action will fail both politically and economically.

Simply put the artificial support proffered to the financial sector should have never been put forward, but having done so, the public must now bear the cost, here, today, and immediately.

Those are the only choices folks. Greece, and indeed the entire European Union, will ultimately disintegrate (as will America) if this is not done."
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