Friday, March 12, 2010


This really doesn't need any comment.

I take it back. What sort of arrogance would allow them to publicly support these sorts of groups when they know everyone is watching. They are so sure of their own power that there is no longer any concern for the truth. The USCCB is beginning to believe that they, not God or His Church are the final arbiters of all that is good and holy.

The smoke of Satan has not only entered the Church in America it has completely replaced the clean and breathable air of truth in the offices of the leadership.

The house is burning down. Where are the firemen?

"The Stations of the Cross is an ancient Christian devotion centered on the Passion of Jesus. Its origins date back to the fourth century. As pilgrims headed to the Holy Land, they actually retraced Jesus’ steps from Pontius Pilot’s court to the place of the Crucifixion. Various forms of the Stations of the Cross, different prayers, reflections, and contemplations, have existed throughout the ages. The focus of these prayers has always been on the Passion of Christ and the thoughtful reminder that we are all sinners in need of redemption; that is until this year.

This year, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) released its own version of this ancient devotion. This self-promotion offers a few scriptural passages relevant to each of the 14 Stations of the Cross (Jesus is Condemned to Death, Jesus Takes up His Cross, Jesus Falls the First Time, etc.), which are followed by commercial commentaries on groups receiving grant money from the CCHD. Even the prayers at the end of each station are tainted with these commercial insertions.

But the most horrifying aspect of this “prayerful reflection” is that several of the grantees that are given equal attention as Our Lord in His Dolorous Passion are involved in the promotion of abortion and/or same-sex marriage.

The second station, which is “Jesus Takes up His Cross,” focuses on the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition. OVEC’s news archive is littered with articles on various progressive agendas, including abortion and same-sex marriage. While linking to articles is not itself an endorsement, the OVEC-inserted commentary on one of the headlines is. Next to the article headline “Democratic Leaders Want party to Move Right on Abortion Choice” is the parenthetical comment from OVEC itself, which says, “Can Democratic Leaders Say ‘Coat hanger’? Oh, who cares, it’s only women.”

But that’s not all. OVEC’s newsletter “Winds of Change” from December 2007 decries candidates against abortion and homosexuality, where it said, “In the past, we have voiced concern that a large fundamentalist church could recruit a dozen members to be candidates against abortion, gays and the like.”
Reform CCHD Now

"CCHD Helps Carry the Cross
With funding assistance from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, disgusted residents teamed up through the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition and brought their concerns to state officials. They won access to an emergency water supply and are now working to protect community
health by urging coal companies to clean up their coal removal practices.
We Pray Jesus, may the work of OVEC inspire us to support the efforts of all whose crosses become heavy due to environmental threats that affect their health and well‐being."

Copyright © 2010, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All rights reserved.
This text may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration for nonprofit educational use, provided such reprints are not sold and include this notice.
USCCB-Stations of the Cross

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  1. Tom,

    I have just e-mailed this to people at my parish.

    I can't express in words that are not four letter ones how insane this is.

  2. It does seem as though a line has been crossed, doesn't it?

  3. Wow!!!

    Within 24 hours of the release of Reform CCHD Now's report on the CCHD's Stations of the Cross (, it has been scrubbed from the website without explanation.

    Check it out! Here's a cached version of the CCHD website, showing the links to the CCHD Stations of the Cross:

    And here's what the website looks like now:

    Just look under the section titled "Lent", and you'll see the discrepancy.

    The first step to admitting guilt is to attempt a cover-up.

  4. This is an attempt to bring down a whole body of Christians rather than build them up. USCCB is a respected group of bishops who further the work of Christ, just as many other groups of faithful in various other denominations work to be Christ's hands and feet. I think it is objectionable to say that just because they support a group that works to help those in poverty (as we are called to do) who may or may not be assisting in other areas, does not mean they ENDORSE EVERY ACTION by this group. It is almost silly to make this an actual valid argument.

    It is nearly Easter. Let us all focus on what Christ did for us and what we can do to prepare our hearts for true conversion and submission to Christ. Let us sow love.

  5. If it were just one group and the USCCB distanced themselves from it after learning of its connections to evil, I'd say fine, we all make mistakes. Unfortunately the USCCB has a forty year history of associations with groups that work to undermine the teachings of the Church.

    Further, as a contributor (no longer) to the CCHD I now know that my money has gone to support abortion and other evils. I refuse to give them a pass on this.

    The fact that the USCCB continues to fund these groups tells me that in fact they do endorse their actions. There are plenty of groups that could use the money that do not involve themselves in activities that violate Catholic teaching yet the bishops pass them by to fund progressive political causes.

    Forgiveness can only come after repentance. The USCCB has not repented and continues to fund these evil groups. I think we should sow love, too; tough love.
