Thursday, March 18, 2010


"As hundreds of new allegations of sexual abuse surface in the German church alone, a top Vatican official acknowledged Tuesday that, with only 10 people handling such cases, his office might not be adequate for the task.

But the official, Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna, who is effectively the Vatican’s internal prosecutor, said the church was working to bring more “transparency” to the delicate and emotional process of settling allegations of abuse by priests that have severely damaged the church’s moral standing.

“We have to get our act together and start working for more transparency in investigations and more adequate responses for the problem,” Monsignor Scicluna said, adding that this should happen “on every level of the church.”
NY Times

I don't say this to be flippant but, if the Vatican has only ten people in place to handle this, sell some paintings and hire more. Ten People??!! After what has happened here in America there should be an army of people in place to push these cases through with as much speed as possible.

If what is said by the Monsignor is true then I have to conclude that the resolution of the homosexual child sex abuse scandal is not a high priority and never has been. This speaks volumes about the true nature of the cover up. Yes, cover up. If there was really an intent to get this out, deal with the damage done and separate fact from fiction there would be hundreds of people involved in this. Instead, we have ten.

The Vatican hoped that this would go away and refused to confront the problem directly. Their staffing of the office tasked with handling this proves my point.

Confess your sins and do penance, Vatican. To the Pope; if you want to clear your name and that of the Church the only way to do it is to show the world you mean business. Put the funding in place to handle this problem. Get to the truth. Do whatever it takes to help the people that were damaged by the members of our Church, even if you have to sell everything to get it done. Great sin has been committed by those that were chosen to preach the Gospel. Great penance will be required.

Ten people working in an office somewhere in Rome just doesn't cut it.

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