Friday, March 19, 2010


From Damian Thompson in the Telegraph:

"What are non-Catholics to make of all this? I'd argue that, like Catholics, they need to resist sweeping conclusions and try to reconcile two truths. The first is that many Catholic bishops, especially in Ireland and America, betrayed children, families and their own good priests by covering up for abusers. The crimes may have reached their peak as long ago as the 1970s, but the culture that enveloped them has yet to be fully dismantled.

The second is that secularists who despise Catholicism are manipulating tragedies to marginalise Catholics and blacken the name of a Pope, Benedict XVI, who has done far more than his predecessor to root out what he calls the "filth" of sexual abuse. Unfortunately for the Pope, his enemies inside the Church, who include members of the College of Cardinals, are happy for him to take the rap. Ratzinger was never "one of the boys", the "magic circle" of bishops who covered for each other, and now he is paying for it. Expect some judicious leaking of scandals to sympathetic journalists just in time for his visit.

Ultimately, only the Pope himself can resolve the tension between guilt and innocence, and he needs to act fast. The "Rottweiler" nickname was always misleading, given his personal gentleness, but it would be no bad thing if he launched a ferocious attack on sexual predators and their hand-wringing accomplices in the higher ranks of the clergy."

The Pope absolutely needs to come out swinging on this issue. To react in a deliberate manner, as is the normal style of the Church, will be disastrous. I'm sure that Benedict has plenty of information at hand to name names and take apart the corrupt system inside the Vatican and the Church in general that has supported this cover up.

He needs to start at the top. There is no one so valuable that they are indispensable. If there is rock solid proof that anyone in the Vatican has any ties to this horror, throw them out, give the evidence to the proper secular authorities and see them prosecuted where possible. For those where evidence exists but not enough for prosecution, strip them of their rank and place them in positions of a menial nature far removed from children and any authority.

The souls of the faithful are at risk. This scandal lends itself to the ends of those that would destroy the Church and they'll use it to drive Catholics from the pews. The Pope cannot waste time; he needs to act swiftly and decisively.

This is why you were chosen Holy Father. You have the intellect and the backbone to get this done. And no matter how much grief you get from the press and inside the Church know that the people are behind you. Go get 'em!

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