Part B of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 621–629i) is amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘Subpart 3—Support for Quality Home Visitation Programs
‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to improve the well-being, health, and development of children by enabling the establishment and expansion of high quality programs providing voluntary home visitation for fami1lies with young children and families expecting children.
Wasn't that fun, kids? You can read the rest of this here if you can stand it. A friend of mine e-mailed me a link to CPS Corruption, the blog site that directed me to the above. I'm going to post an excerpt from this blog below:
"The proposed Obama government healthcare bill has a government snitch network built into it, allowing social workers to gain access to your home under the pretext of checking on your new baby, or soon-to-be-born baby. It will result in many many more children being taken from families by state Child Protective Services agencies.
This is the fulfillment of a long-held dream by child protection agencies to gain access to homes, without first getting a report of abuse or neglect, as currently required by law. Mandated visits to homes by government agents has been a favorite cause of Hillary Clinton, and of the radical bureaucrats running the U.S. Administration of Children and Families.
This "home invasion" program is found on page 838 of the lengthy bill, in Section 1904, and it is called the "Home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children." The pretext on which the state agents would enter the home would be to "to improve the well-being, health, and development of children by enabling the establishment and expansion of high quality programs providing voluntary home visitation for families with young children and families expecting children." It sounds pretty innocuous, but based on my 15 years of fighting these bureaucrats in court on behalf of innocent families, it can be predicted that the way it will work in real life will be much more sinister.
Visits from the bureaucrats are voluntary in theory. (However, so are income taxes.) Here is how it will work: after your first appointment with your OB/GYN to confirm a pregnancy, the doctor will be required to report it to the leviathan healthcare bureaucracy. If you somehow fall through the cracks during the pregnancy, the birth hospital will do the honors of reporting you to the state. Then, chirpy social workers will show up at your house one day, and pressure you to allow them to come "voluntarily" into your house. These people are so-called "mandated reporters," who must report any abuse or neglect or potentially face fines and jail."
This is just one example of the insidious nature of the health care bill. It establishes systems of government control that will just be humming away in the background, unnoticed and innocuous until the day the agent of the state shows up at your door. A simple visit to your doctor or a conversation with someone at a store can set off a chain of events that will end with your freedoms in tatters and your life ripped apart by the state.
Dogs and people react in ways that are quite similar to each other. When you get a dog it has a certain sense of freedom and resists the commands of its master. Usually most dogs can be trained to follow orders with a firm hand on the leash and a reward for good behavior. Some dogs, though, will continue to resist. This may require a choke chain and a firmer hand still, maybe even a swat across the nose. For most dogs, this will be sufficient to break their spirit and to get them to obey. Some dogs, when choked and swatted will bite and snarl. Those dogs won't submit to their masters wishes and will continue to fight for freedom. Those dogs generally end up in the pound or shot.
This home visitation crap is the beginning of the training. We'll be offered a treat and a smile, a reassurance that letting the government into your home is the best thing for the child. After all, who better to manage the growth of a child, the parent or a qualified, degreed and oh so concerned professional bureaucrat?
When we refuse this benevolent guidance from our government the choke chain will be slipped around our neck. After all, you must remember the I.R.S. is the enforcement arm of the health care bill. And I'm sure that along with the power to enter your home the benevolent bureaucrat will also be armed with the power to threaten removal of your child.
When we still refuse, when we decide to exercise our God given right to privacy and to raise our kids as we see fit, what choice will we have left our benevolent masters? For the good of the children and society we will be separated from our kids. They will be sent to others that will raise them properly and educate them in the goodness and supremacy of the state while we will be sent somewhere else to be reeducated or shot.
You say that this can't happen, that this is just more right wing paranoia. I say Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela, North Korea and Vietnam along with most of the Muslim countries thrown in to boot. Don't tell me this can't happen here.
It has already begun. Don't invite the vampire in.
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