Tuesday, March 30, 2010


As the cost of medical care here in the U.S. is shifted to the public sector decisions will be made; not on the basis of good medicine but on the basis of cost. It isn't a very long walk at all to get from abortion to euthanasia. And, even though I know that no one wants to hear this, the journey began at contraception. It is absolutely logical to believe that, if we have the right to control the creation of life we also have the right to control the end of it.

Compassionately ending the suffering of those that really have outlived their usefulness anyway is the fruit of this Satanic train of thought. Welcome to our "Brave New World" of publicly funded health care and our "right" to be murdered

"Concern is growing that the United Kingdom's Liverpool Care Pathway, intended to ease the comfort of patients whose death is inevitable, is being misused to railroad elderly patients onto a path toward early death.

"While we've been preoccupied with the moral pluses and minuses of living wills, assisted suicide and euthanasia, legalized execution of some of society's most vulnerable has become available, most probably at a hospital near you," writes Telegraph columnist Liz Hunt. "How did we let this happen?"

The Liverpool Care Pathway, which has been endorsed by the British government and adopted by 900 different hospitals and nursing homes across the country, allows a patient's care staff to remove invasive or uncomfortable medications or devices from a patient they have unanimously judged to be close to death, with no hope of recovery. Controversially, this allows medical staff to deprive patients of food or water or to sedate them continuously until they die. Recently, a group of British medical experts objected that these procedures can mask signs that a patient is actually recovering."
Natural News

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