Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"Last week The Jewish Week reported that Gov. Paterson had allocated $500,000 to be channeled to an as-yet-unnamed organization in the Brooklyn Orthodox community. The money is to be used to help address what many now believe is an epidemic of childhood sexual abuse in the ultra-Orthodox world. While in theory we as a community should welcome governmental support to help us solve our social problems, how does one explain the apparent absence of rabbinic and lay leadership on this issue? When did protecting our children become the job of the governor and a local assemblyman? Where are the voices of our rabbinic and lay leaders?"
The Jewish Week

Where is the media? In a week filled with stories about the Pope and his tenuous, at best, connections to the homosexual child abuse scandal, why haven't we heard even a single word about this?

The coverage of this issue has been skewed against the Catholic Church since the beginning of this scandal. It has been intense and unrelenting. I have no problem with that at all. If it takes this kind of exposure to run the rats out of the basement, fine. But what about the kids that are being harmed by others. From teachers to preachers to the Rabbi most abuse is under covered or not covered at all. Because the Church is perceived as the enemy by most on the left they have targeted her to the exclusion and detriment of the many kids being harmed on a continuing basis by those outside the priesthood.

So, if there is a legitimate story about some priest abusing kids, go get him. But, for the sake of the other kids, and not just a political crusade, go after the rest of these animals, too. Quit wasting your time trying to manufacture news to suit your agenda. Do your job and report the facts; and in the process, protect the innocent.

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