Thursday, March 25, 2010


Strangely, as I listen to the Popes words, I don't hear any mention of re-distributive wealth or "social justice". What I hear is a call for business leaders to CHOOSE to structure their businesses not only around profit but around profit and people, too. To CHOOSE to incorporate Christian practices in their business practices. What I hear is that it is vital that business leaders CHOOSE to use their skills to not only profit but to better the world they live in.

While the Pope recognizes our inherent right to make a choice based on our God given free will, here in America the current administration would rather take the profit from the business and make their choices for them. They believe that the state has the "right" to choose, not the people; unless of course that choice is to kill a baby, but that's for another time.

I wonder if the boys at the USCCB have noticed this difference in approach?

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