Sunday, March 21, 2010


You absolutely must read Market Ticker today. It is vital that we understand what Denninger is saying. As distressing as the health care bill is, in reality it won't have the time to do much damage. Our country and the world are on the verge of collapse. We've broken through nearly every barrier that could have protected us by refusing to look reality squarely in the eye and act upon it. We continue to live in this Wonderland where we debate health care and cap and trade as though we can afford them and as if our economies will still be standing to carry them out. Our leaders keep rearranging deck chairs while the band plays on and the ship slowly settles into the sea.

Why? So those in positions of power can use the time left, while we are distracted, to load up the few remaining lifeboats and shove off, leaving us to flounder and die in the icy waters of economic collapse. And as they silently float into the night, we will realize, all too late, that the ship is doomed and we have no way out. Then the destruction will begin, as panic and the instinct for survival ignite a pointless thrashing and tearing, an epic death struggle that will change nothing, only covering our final moments with a veneer of useless, horrific terror.

Please, please, pray and prepare. Our time is growing short. Look reality in the face, accept it and act. Create a lifeboat for yourself, your family and your neighbors. The more boats available the more that can be saved.

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