Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I haven't been working lately yet I haven't, not even once, felt the urge to beat my wife. Is something wrong with me? Have these flower print pajama pants (my wife made them for herself but they are too big for her, they're comfy and I'm secure in my masculinity, or at least I was until I read the Senators comment, so what the heck) I'm wearing somehow sucked the manliness from me? To make a full recovery should I beat my wife and call it good or perhaps should I go looking for another to beat to make sure I'm fully cured?

Is there nothing that these politicians won't say to advance an agenda? Maybe, just once, we could hear something intelligent from Washington. We pay these guys enough.

"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested Monday that domestic violence by men has increased due to U.S. joblessness.

Reid, speaking in the midst of a Senate debate over whether to pass a $15 billion package meant to spur job creation, appeared to argue that joblessness would lead to more domestic violence.

"I met with some people while I was home dealing with domestic abuse. It has gotten out of hand," Reid said on the Senate floor. "Why? Men don't have jobs."
The Hill

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1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we ought to substitute beating politicians for beating wives. The results would certainly be far more salutory for the nation.

