I'm recommending that you read Commentarius de Prognosticis today. Really, you should read it everyday. Ioannes writes clearly about issues that pertain to our lives from a Catholic perspective. His article today about our responsibility to carry on the good fight regardless of how hopeless it may seem is right on the money. We aren't put here to win the fight, we are here just to carry it on. Victory belongs to God. We're just the soldiers.
I find that sometimes, because of my disordered human nature, I forget this simple fact. Humility will go a lot further than the desire to win when we are talking about matters of the faith with those that don't agree. I've had to learn to stop caring and just go with. I ask God for help and just hope that I'm saying the right thing.
So give Commentarius de Prognosticis a try. It has become a must read for me. Hope you enjoy it.
3 hours ago
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