Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, I'm listening to Fox and Friends this morning and they have Jonah Goldberg on. He's the editor of National Review online and author of "Liberal Fascism". He's also a frequent guest on Glenn Beck's show where he talks about the evils of Progressivism and government coercion of our lives. He is a Republican. You'd think he would get "it".

But, like most members of the Grand Old Party he has shown himself to be a clueless member of the Progressive Lite brigade. They're talking on the show this morning about Dominoes Pizza and how this company has admitted that their product sucks and they are going to make the changes necessary to bring their customers back. So the host asks Goldberg what changes the GOP needs to make to bring back its voters. Goldberg answers that the GOP needs to support changes to the tax code that will make it easier and less costly to have kids. 

Really? What the GOP should do to attract conservatives is gerrymander the tax code to influence Americans to act a certain way? WTF!!??? I thought the party of personal freedom and smaller government would be opposed to any sort of government interference in our lives. I thought that it would work to reduce the taxes and the size of the federal Government. Instead, it would use the power of government to coerce. If that isn't the definition of Socialism I don't know what is.

This is why I will never vote Republican again. I don't care how good the candidate sounds. If elected inside the party structure this sort of backdoor Progressivism is what will be expected of him and forced upon his constituents through  Republican party politics. The Republicans and Democrats have both forgotten to read the Constitution and don't have a clue how to reduce government in our lives. Both intend to use government to control us and increase their own power. A POX ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES!!!

Americans need to realize that if we want our country back we have to break the backs of the parties. The only way to do this is to refuse to give them power. Vote third party! Don't listen to the same tired reasons why this is dangerous to the country. It cannot possibly cause more damage than the current parties have!

We will either destroy this Leviathan with the ballot box or the gun. We must make a real effort to do it peacefully. To make the gun legitimate we have to exhaust every other possibility. We don't want to use our guns. Nothing good will come from it. But, our government needs to understand the possibility exists and that we have recourse to it. We need to make it afraid to gain control. It needs to fear the ballot box, knowing the gun rests behind it.

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