Friday, January 1, 2010


I'm full of stinky cheese and fish after fulfilling my obligation to perform old family traditions last night and so I'm not really up to writing. This video says it all. The combination of government mis-management and union excesses have destroyed Detroit and will destroy America if our current administration has anything to say about it.

So much of what is shown in this video could have been filmed in St. Louis, another one time great American city that has been run into the ground by the same crew. St. Louis, once second only to Detroit in the production of cars, has been turned into a Beirut clone in some neighborhoods. Maybe this isn't fair to Beirut. This city has been controlled by liberal Democrats for years. The unions have exerted control over all manufacturing, eventually driving employers away. We are still a union city, which would be great if there were any jobs to be had. Ford shut down their plant, Chrysler shut down theirs and GM is down to one shift. All of the suppliers that once employed thousands have shuttered right along with them.

This has left a huge, unskilled workforce unemployed. These are people that have made really good money for doing very little. I know plenty of them and have listened to the descriptions of their workdays. Sure, it's hot and the labor is physical but, compared to digging ditches or framing houses for a fraction of the wage, please! Most of the people that I know that were laid off from the auto plants sat around sucking up the job bank pay and made no real attempt to educate or in anyway prepare themselves for life without the automakers. They've been lulled into complacency by the socialist lies of their union and government masters.

Consequently, out where I live, the economy is terrible. The money that would have flowed into the local economy from the guys at Chrysler is gone and this is slowly causing other businesses to go under, further reducing the number of jobs available.

We've got real problems here in the rust belt. The root cause can be laid at the foot of big government, big unions and greed. There is no quick or even semi quick solution. It will be a long time, if ever before we see the economy come back around here. Detroit is just the first. Many more cities and the people that live there are going down the same road if we stick to the old paradigm of business, unions and government as usual.

People need to wake up and realize that the government uses them to acquire power for itself and enslave them, the unions use them to acquire power for its leaders and the government it supports and business uses them to make a profit. Of those three only business is honest about its intent and only business can help the worker to achieve actual growth in wealth and security. Yet, isn't it strange that both the unions and the government vilify the one thing that could lead to true independence for the people?

I wonder why?


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