Friday, December 4, 2009


From Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition:

Embryo ...the developing human individual from the time of implantation to the eighth week after conception.

In the article below, every time it says embryo use the word baby, because that is what an embryo is. When you change the wording to reflect reality does this research sound just a bit more barbaric to you?

The pro-death community is fond of the Orwellian technique of using the language to distort their true intentions. They know that by getting all of us to say embryo in place of baby murder will become much more palatable. The same technique is used in war, dehumanizing your opponent by using words such as gook, kraut or rag head.

If the terms of the debate can be shifted to recognize the humanity of the children being murdered by this sort of research, how long do you think it will be allowed to go on? All of us in the pro-lfe community need to start calling things what they are. We can begin by refusing to use the term pro-choice. Pro-death would be much more accurate.

"Scientists can start using taxpayer dollars to do research with 13 batches of embryonic stem cells and the government says dozens more cell lines should be available soon, opening a new era for the potentially life-saving field.

President Barack Obama lifted eight years of restrictions on these master cells last spring. But $21 million-and-counting in new projects were on hold until the National Institutes of Health determined which of hundreds of existing stem cell lines were ethically appropriate to use...

...Culling those cells destroys a days-old embryo, something many strongly oppose on moral grounds. But once created, the cells can propagate indefinitely in lab dishes.

Federal law forbids using taxpayer money to create or destroy an embryo. All the stem cell lines involved in Wednesday's announcement were created from fertility clinic leftovers — embryos that otherwise would have been thrown away — using private money. NIH is reviewing the rest to see if they also meet ethics requirements for use in taxpayer-funded health research. Among the requirements: That the woman or couple who donated the original embryo did so voluntarily and were told of other options, such as donating to another infertile woman."


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