Thursday, November 19, 2009


The fact that the USCCB feels compelled to defend their actions regarding the CCHD means that the public outcry against them is having an effect. It also tells me that where there's smoke there's fire.

One question; if the applicants for grants are as carefully screened as the Bishop claims why are so many being forced to return funds after the fact? It seems to me that the screening process isn't very effective or the applicants truly are in line with the beliefs of those granting the funds. I'm thinking that someone seems to have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar and they are now claiming that they were just checking to make sure the cookies were safe.

"The chairman of the U.S. bishops’ subcommittee which oversees the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has defended the program against what he called “outrageous” allegations and claims. He reiterated that the campaign is pro-life and has “zero tolerance” for funding any group that violates Catholic teaching...

...“You will recall that CCHD was the first national group to cut funds for ACORN,” he added, referring to the community organizing group that was accused of voter fraud in 2008.

“We say at CCHD that we have zero tolerance for any group that would violate the Church teachings.”

The bishop said it was “particularly disturbing” that people form an opinion of CCHD based on an individual incident of misconduct.

“They paint the whole organization with a broad brush using isolated instances.”...

...“The Campaign funds projects that empower the poor and help them organize themselves to move out of poverty. All grant applicants are carefully screened (emphasis added) and funds are provided only to projects with objectives and actions that are fully in accord with the moral teaching of the Catholic Church.”...

...The CCHD document noted the allegation that its grants funded Young Workers United and the Chinese Progressive Association, who both produced voter guides that took a position contrary to Church teaching. Both groups backed same-sex “marriage” and Young Workers United reportedly also voiced support for legalized abortion and legalized prostitution.

After a joint investigation with the Archdiocese of San Francisco, the CCHD said it immediately canceled both grants and both organizations returned the grant money.

The CCHD said investigation was continuing into the Prebel Street group and the Women’s Community Revitalization Project, which allegedly were involved in activity contrary to Church teaching.

The CCHD said that investigations into several other accused groups found no activity contrary to Church teaching.

The Los Angeles Community Action Network (LACAN), which was accused of promoting same-sex “marriage” and actively supporting contraception and the morning-after pill, was cleared by a review conducted by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the CCHD reported.

Addressing the charges against the Mobilize the Immigrant Vote (MIV) coalition in California, the CCHD said six of the seven coalition members are currently funded by the CCHD and all six confirmed that they were never consulted about MIV taking positions on ballot initiatives contrary to Catholic social teaching."

Catholic News Agency

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