Friday, September 25, 2009


Why is the Catholic Church involving itself in this one world power grab? In this one story we've got it all; social justice, the unfairness of one country having more than another and redistribution of wealth. Oh, and don't forget the melting glaciers.

How did charity cease to be a personal act of generosity and penance and become a state mandated obligation? Doesn't this negate the very good that charity should do for the individual? And show me in the Bible or the Tradition of the Church anyplace where fairness is elevated to a human right or even an expectation.

While we're at it, show me conclusive evidence that the earth is warming and further that if it is, man has caused it. God built this thing to have some variation in climate as it has throughout its history; sometimes warmer, sometimes cooler. Does the Church propose that we put ourselves in the place of God and attempt to control His creation?

All of this is done under the umbrella of social justice, that Utopian crap that says we should all expect equal outcome, regardless of effort applied, because unequal results just aren't fair. Johnny may not have crossed the line first but he really, really tried so he should get a blue ribbon, too.

Johnny deserves what he earned, no more, no less. NOW, THAT'S JUSTICE! I will never, ever as long as I live earn the money that Donald Trump has earned. I may not be as smart or as gifted and I know I don't want to work that hard. So why should I have any claim over his money? He worked for it, he earned it. How would justice be served by my taking any of it? Just the opposite; I would be stealing his property which is the very definition of injustice. Yet proponents of social justice, seemingly including the leaders of my Church, would have us believe just the opposite.

What is truth; where is justice? The answers to these questions have been distorted and muddied to such an extent that they no longer have any meaning.

"Climate change is more than an environmental concern; it is an issue of justice that merits immediate attention by world leaders. This was the message delivered repeatedly by Catholic participants in the Sept. 22 U.N. Summit on Climate Change in New York.

"It is unfair that people in developing countries pay the consequences for problems that rich countries have created," said Elyzabeth Peredo, director of the Solon Foundation in Bolivia, at a Sept. 22 press conference. As an example, she said Bolivia generates only 0.1 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, but melting glaciers caused by the warming effect of emissions worldwide endanger crops for small-scale farmers in communities throughout the country's Andes mountains.

The proposals now under discussion at the United Nations set goals and targets for international investment in adaptation technologies to help countries withstand climate change."

Catholic News Service

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