Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"Utilitarianism has a hideous strength when it comes to medical ethics. If even a ghastly procedure can “save lives,” well, who’s to say it’s immoral?..."

"...Here in the United States, bioethicist Jacob Appel, writing on the subject in the Huffington Post, states, “The first striking feature of fetal organs is that their unlimited...pregnant women who provide fetal kidneys could do so repeatedly.”

Appel grants that abortions would likely rise as a result, but even so, he believes we have “a moral duty” to legalize the marketing of fetal organs. How nice, too, he says, that poor women could benefit by selling the organs of their aborted children.

And then, Appel dreams of a day that “scientific research may make possible farms of artificial ‘wombs’ breeding fetuses for their organs.”


I think it safe to say that this sort of thinking would be in line with the thinking of John Holdren, the science czar. We have successfully divorced ourselves from real religion and the rules that were created to guide our actions. These have been replaced with the new religion, the religion of profit and worship of the state. The rules that guide us have been replaced, too. The new rules place the sanctity of life and the special place in creation that we hold as children and heirs of God in the wastebasket. Our only value lies in service to the state and the never ending quest for profit. When both the state and the economy collapse, and we have no faith in any other power, what will be left? Despair and a vacuum. Since nature abhors a vacuum (we haven't changed that law), how will it be filled? Who will be the new messiah? What sort of state will we worship at his behest?

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