Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If this farmer wants to raise cows, for whatever reason, where does the Fed get off trying to regulate his activity? The last time I checked the Constitution it only authorizes Fed regulation of interstate commerce. As far as I can tell from this story, no one has accused this guy of shipping anything across state lines.

If a farmer has a milk cow and I need milk I should be able to buy it from him. Isn't this a free market economy? If he sells me tainted milk because he was sloppy in his methodology well then I won't buy from him again and neither will anyone else that I tell about it. This will force him to clean up his act or get out of the milk business.

In reality the chances of fresh raw milk causing me any problems are slight. People have been drinking milk for a long time, well before the nanny state created an agency to protect us. So, if we need to save money I've got a suggestion for a cut.

"Kinzers, PA - At 9:40 a.m. last Thursday, February 4, only a few miles from the scene of the Nickel Mines Amish massacre of 2006, another drama against the Amish began as agents of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came onto the property of Amish farmer Dan Allgyer, without permission, claiming to be conducting an investigation. Agents Joshua Schafer and Deborah Haney, from the Delaware FDA office, drove past Allgyer's "No Trespassing" signs and up his driveway almost to his barn, where Allgyer happened to be outside. Allgyer approached the car, the agents got out and Allgyer asked them why they were there. They produced a piece of paper, asked Allgyer if he was Dan Allgyer, which Allgyer confirmed, asked him his middle initial and phone number, entered the information on the paper, told Allgyer they were there to do an inspection and started reading the paper to him, saying it gave them jurisdiction to be there.

The agents - Schafer did most of the talking - said they had a right to be there because "you produce food for human consumption." Dan asked why they believed that and they said, "Well, you have cows. You cannot be consuming all the milk you produce." They further stated, "If you get a milk truck in to move all this milk you sell milk to the public, therefore we have jurisdiction."

Dan said, "This is a private farm, I do not sell anything to the public."


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